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Everything posted by Newtcase

  1. If that were true the Raiders would be in LA. But the real truth is none of us know what would happen if he wanted to move. We do know Charlotte is a good market that the NFL has already invested in.
  2. You're the person speculating what Tepper will do. I only stated that Charlotte is a large market and already has a team. Otherwise, plenty of cities don't host drafts or Super Bowls. I'd suspect the NFL never involves emotion in such decisions. Instead mild weather, destination attractions, visitor capacity and maximizing revenue are more important. There's a reason Miami and New Orleans have hosted 21 Super Bowls. Just because Charlotte isn't a tourist city that tops the list for hosting major events doesn't mean it isn't a great market for a NFL team, so not sure what argument you're even trying to make.
  3. The NFL thought Charlotte was a good market to enter in the 90s and it has exploded in size since then. To think the NFL doesn't care about Charlotte when they've ALREADY put a team here is a bit comical.
  4. The Raiders tried to go to LA. Vegas was their second choice.
  5. I don't think Charlotte could be ignored, it's a huge market. With that said, LA went two decades before the Rams returned, followed shortly after by the Chargers.
  6. We could have skipped the draft the last three years and we would be no worse. We would actually be quite a bit better without Young.
  7. Analytics aren’t bullshit, actual fast ain’t just a numba. Lololololol, ribs hurt
  8. The most encouraging thing I saw today was for the first time it looked like Bryce started believing in himself. With each success that confidence appeared to snowball. I really hope he can continue to build on it.
  10. Personally I’ve become suspicious that’s he’s responsible for a number of oline injuries as well. Wishing Hurst a quick and complete recovery.
  11. There isn’t a single reason to have faith in Fitts. The emperor has no clothes.
  12. I'd sooner imagine Tepper had a list of everything Pittsburgh did wrong and was intent on showing them the right way to do it when he bought the Panthers.
  13. JFC some of y’all are just hopeless with your takes. You realize Purdy is the best QB in the league right now and it isn’t particularly close? Do you think Brady was the best athlete to ever play? Easy hell no there, didn’t stop him from being the GOAT did it? Stop making arguments with opinion and conjecture, facts are easier. Purdy, right now, is better than everyone. It’s ridiculous that people like you think Lance and Garrapolo got ran out of town on accident. San Fran paid more for Lance than we paid for Bryce and told him thanks but no thanks after 102 total pass attempts. But sure, keep pretending like you got the real scouting report on Purdy. You have no clue how hard SF would laugh if we offered them BY9 for Purdy straight up.
  14. Checks out, Peyton set 5 rookie records including most completions, passing yards and touchdowns. Eerily similar LMAO.
  15. Actually it's 24%, here's the top 10 most pressured QBs in 2023 from Pro Football Reference.
  16. The NFL at it's base level is talent evaluation. Teams that evaluate talent correctly or get lucky inch or jump ahead of teams that are bad at evaluation or unlucky. Of course talent development is part of the process as well but even then the potential needs to be evaluated correctly. Carolina doesn't seem to be very good at evaluating talent and even worse at developing potential.
  17. Short but interesting article about the Texans cutting him. https://torotimes.com/posts/cutting-shaquill-griffin-was-a-mistake-the-houston-texans-will-regret-01hge52vj2n6
  18. Purdy is #1 in QBR and Rating along with several other important categories. San Francisco is also winning games. These are just the facts. Bryce is 32nd in QBR and 30th in rating and near dead last in every significant category. Carolina has won a single game, largely thanks to another surprising if not herculean defensive effort. Again, these are just the facts. Facts are knowable things. We know Purdy is among the best playing and Bryce is among the worst. Why that's the case is certainly subjective and good conversation. However, making statements like Bryce would be an All Pro at San Francisco is nothing more than your opinion. Anyone that pretends their opinion carries the same water as the facts isn't worth having a discussion with.
  19. ChatGPT says.... On a very real note I think stuffing a Lambo with cash would be a fantastic visual motivator.
  20. Didn't Jensen come in when Mays left the Titans game? Is there anyone behind Jensen?
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