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Everything posted by Newtcase

  1. Where’s the NFL evidence? I’ll wait.
  2. Also the Vikings were like 30th in the league at the time we played them.
  3. Vikings and Lions are both suspect passing defenses. Also, not all defensive performances are equal. Anyone with eyeballs knows that Seattle game was one of the toughest defensive tests of the year. Ace using this as a defense is so lazy it borders on trolling except he’s not.
  4. Bryce made some of his best throws so far. There have been incremental improvements in the last two games that are at least checking the boxes of "Show me something" or "Show some improvement". There's plenty here for both the supporters and doubters to have another round of ammunition to fuel the bye week debates. I was happy to see Bryce have some success and spot us a two score lead on Miami. It was the most entertaining and promising quarter of the year so far. It never felt like we could sustain it, but it did feel nice for a bit. I'm anxious for this Houston game tbh. Home game, Bryce vs CJ, T.Brown interviewed for their HC gig and will be calling plays AND we have an extra week to get healthy and game plan. Panthers desperately want to break into the win column and these next three games are our best chance. There's a lot in working in our favor. There hasn't been a bigger moment for our young QB than this upcoming game.
  5. We are a winless, terrible football team that is staring down the barrel of the most infamous season in NFL history. So yes, a bad defense, for whatever reasons is part of that team.
  6. Don't try to put lipstick on our pig, we're dead last in offensive scoring when adjusted for defensive scores. Panthers have two, Saints and Bucs have one, Falcons none. 1. Saints (-7 or 1.16 per game) 17ppg 2. Bucs (-7 or 1.16 per game) 16.8 3. Falcons 16.5 ppg 4. Panthers (-14 or 2.33 per game) 16.4 ppg
  7. I shudder to think of what this offense looks like without Thielen. Thank you Adam, from the bottom of my heart for sacrificing what was left of your career to polish a terd.
  8. Only until we lose to the 2024 #1 overall next year in route to a second consecutive winless season.
  9. Are you just being contrarian at all costs? There was a dedicated thread made by Zod announcing this specific account was blocked. Pointing to some other actual ban is a tad tone deaf buddy.
  10. LOL Panthers are 22-50 in Burns career. Wouldn’t have to review many wins.
  11. Tua and Miami would throw for whatever they needed to. They were up multiple scores for half the game and pulled starters for their last two drives. What kind of conclusion are you trying to spin here?
  12. Take your meds kid, you just look dumber every time you post.
  13. @mrcompletely11choosing not to waste his time on your nonsense doesn’t prove your point. You’re just not intellectually worth the effort.
  14. Man we’re about 1-2 more losses away from seeing higher profile panther players doing used car and sofa superstore ads.
  15. I’m fully onboard with what we got going on today. This has been entertaining so far.
  16. Love the deep shot. Couldn’t quite hook up but I LOVE the call.
  17. What a drive! Let’s fugging go!
  18. Considering the injuries on defense we continue to look good on that side of the ball…just not for an entire game.
  19. Will we ever attack the depth needed for a 1st down? 3rd and 12 just seems impossible.
  20. Wait isn’t getting to the second level untouched the holy grail of blocking? Those backers are setup perfect a cutback. A NFL back hits that hole full steam and breaks an ankle with the cutback or just straight trucks the flat footed backer. There’s no doubt running up the back of the blockers on the right was the best way to get the least from this play. Backers sit on every play ever ran, doesn’t mean they always make the play.
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