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About Newtcase

  • Birthday 10/11/1977

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  1. It’s about the same as Bryce. Jury is out but he deserves another year. The team improved steadily.
  2. Choose Love on the goal post, hahaha good placement. Bryce really shut out the noise and played much better after returning to the lineup. His clutch factor at the end of games was fantastic. We'd be at least two games better in the win department if the D could ever hold.
  3. For the first time in a long time I am excited and optimistic for our future. What a turn around for Bryce.
  4. Love the way the offense is playing today. This team has improved all year despite injuries.
  5. Looking back at this thread, there was a lot of kool aid being chugged. I never liked this draft.
  6. I was thrilled for the team Sunday. They deserved that W.
  7. I try hard to judge the moment without bias. If it’s bad, it’s bad and if it’s good it’s good. Anyone that had an issue with Bryce today is hedging their bets on history. Last week was awful, this week was pretty damn solid. His numbers should have been a bit better if Thielen pulls in that first deep shot. I wouldn’t dare pronounce Bryce’s ceiling at this point because if he has showed anything this year, he has showed he won’t quit, he will improve and he’s tough as nails. I’ve hated on Bryce plenty, but damn he has some heart.
  8. Burn the tape, entire team shat the bed. Trying to take any meaningful information from today is futile. I’m not sold on Bryce, have been very critical of him, and encouraged by his recent play. Bryce hasn’t played well when pressured, that’s really all there is to take from today.
  9. I’m 100% encouraged by how competitive the team has been recently. We still don’t know how to win but the fight is there and the team and staff are improving without doubt. It has been a long time since we saw improvement. It feels like we’re on the right track and that now includes Bryce. I’m actually eager to watch the team play. I’ve been very critical of Bryce and it was deserved at the time. He’s playing much better of late and he deserves credit for that now.
  10. Bryce played a solid game and gave the team a chance today. It’s hard to know if this is an outlier, a stepping stone or the ceiling. He earned the next start.
  11. The lack of production is especially surprising given how much effort the team put into coaxing the best from him. In just six short years he’s had the opportunity to work with 3 different GMs, 7 different head coaches and 10 different starting quarterbacks. There’s literally no excuse to be made that one of those combos didn’t work. It might be time to look withIAN.
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