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Everything posted by stirs

  1. when a proper vaccine is developed, what "pecking order" should these be given out? Probably healthcare workers and anyone in a rest home? This would seem like common sense, but I figure the gov will come up with some strange directive. Some are already saying they are scared because it is being "rushed". 4th qtr will be a sensational one for certain
  2. Everyone seems to be wanting to come to NC for some reason......
  3. Since you have permanent residence in the other Corona Virus thread and it was posted there a couple hours ago, wow, what a good guess.
  4. Science is great, but sometimes, like the Coronavirus, is shooting in the dark. Sooooo many models have been wrong, soooo many things the CDC has told us have now been revised. People will get antsy when authorities change their stories, it does not increase confidence for sure. Fauci, the architect on most of our responses, says to loosen up. So, if he is the one that put people in the box, they why not listen to him when he says get out of the box? Otherwise, you are just searching for someone with your opinion and criticizing everyone else.
  5. The country is already inhabited by bots, now they are following bots. Who cares. Some of you actually take Twitter seriously. Good Luck
  6. https://jamanetwork.com/searchresults?q=5700&allSites=1&SearchSourceType=1&exPrm_qqq={!payloadDisMaxQParser pf=Tags qf=Tags^0.0000001 payloadFields=Tags bf=}"5700"&exPrm_hl.q=5700 Basically, they followed 5700 patients in NYC. 94% of them had health major health issues, diabetes, heart, etc. 50% of Americans have health issues, 70% are said to be overweight. But, of the 6% who did not have health issues, all were sent home, none died.
  7. I watched a video yesterday from some doctor in the UK and he said the thought the thing would "peter" out. He said that is the history of these types of virus' when there is no vaccine. Nice thought anyway in the clickbait for doom society we live in. Found it.
  8. What part got it shut down?
  9. "I'm a proctologist, get off your ass America, enough flattening the curves"
  10. I am a rentacenter man myself.
  11. You have to walk the line between economics and health and safety. Even within those 2 groups, there are many considerations on economics and many on health and safety that all have to be considered. Ripple effects to quick and short sighted answers to large problems
  12. We are sorry to inform you that your job has been outsourced to a team of Russian nurses. They are cheaper.....in many senses of the word
  13. Our country is generally not concerned with what is being said, only with who said it. Cuts out all the critical thinking mumbo jumbo
  14. There is always the other side of the coin. Pick your poison I suppose. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doctors-raise-alarm-about-health-effects-of-continued-coronavirus-shutdown
  15. Better than a ventilator
  16. In TN, they have Fiz, but in Russia....... https://nypost.com/2020/05/20/nurse-disciplined-for-wearing-only-bra-and-panties-under-ppe-gown/
  17. I live in a very rural area. Rabbits, deer, waaaay too many squirrels. Also seen wild turkeys on my place. All of these are out of season, but if hunger came calling.....I have eaten squirrels, not a fan, haha. My Dad, as a hobby, has chickens, so eggs and meat(for those no longer laying eggs) are an option. Not sure how fishing is up your way?
  18. I have been looking on line as small greenhouse type structures. Growing vegetables year round might be worth looking into, who knows. We normally don't get down to 31 degrees in mid May, so this year caught me by surprise for sure.
  19. In my boredom, I actually planted a lot of garden things, which got frostbit, twice. Not like I didn't have time to plant them a third time, but still.
  20. Which is where we are today, lol
  21. All airborne virus bugs are less contagious in warm humid weather. Germs hit the thick air and pretty much go to the ground. Cold, dry, thin air however.......
  22. So is Linville George still the mod here?
  23. And then there is the virus, that we are supposed to be discussing
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