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Everything posted by stirs

  1. Been saying that for awhile. Definitely one you don't want rising. Going down through flat an increased case counts
  2. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/young-americans-are-partying-hard-and-spreading-the-virus-fast How do you guys explain why the age level and what is in hospitals have gone down? Please don't answer "wear a mask". Are we to believe that only old folks were getting the virus in the early stages? How were they so more "out there" than younger folks? I understand the current, but not the previous.
  3. How much money and business will people with immunity get over those who have not contracted the disease? Weird question? https://www.bbc.com/news/business-53082917
  4. Masks are brought up as a push button response to everything.
  5. "and they all lived happily ever after"
  6. Yep, I know, that's no news at all. Flat for a long time and deaths going down. I have been looking for a long time for them to shoot up again. The correlation between the two is ever changing
  7. 51k positive tests today for the US On the positive side, for now, deaths are still trending in downward direction. Graphs luckily headed in two different directions.
  8. As we said 300 pages ago, it is a tightrope that has to be walked between health and economy. Concentrating on just one, would devastate the other
  9. Something about the islands
  10. Instead of a wall, Trump should have went for a mote. A big beautiful, tremendous, probably the most tremendous, mote.
  11. In other news, Gilligans Island has experienced no coronovirus deaths due to the incredible leadership of Gilligan
  12. https://www.chron.com/lifestyle/article/A-hypervigilant-mom-followed-every-health-15373512.php
  13. Back to the face masks? Again? I wear a damn face mask, what in the world are you doing by bringing that up every other post? I have said it over and over. I have not criticized anyone for wearing one. I am just trying to have a non political discussion about the numbers. We have had a couple different guys who work in the medical field give us 2-3 weeks between positive cases and deaths and now another says 4-5 weeks. All the numbers and graphs are changing. Nothing looks like it did in February. The vulnerable expanded when it got to the US because of obesity. The China numbers did not include a lot of obese people for obvious reasons. And non political because I don't see a Trump nor a Biden being able to find their way home without a trail of bread crumbs. I do not put my faith in those guys
  14. Correct, it's a discussion. All the guys saying it is exactly this and exactly that are not to be taken seriously. You are correct to say maybe
  15. Trump does not drive my opinion of the virus. He drives about 95% of the posts in this VIRUS thread. D and R, its an election year and you are not immune to the emotions. Did not vote for Trump before, don't plan on it this fall. He does not make a rats azz to me as far as the virus. You guys expect the same dynamics we experienced in March to hold true forever. It won't, and it is not. Now, for your sake, if the deaths stopped tomorrow, Trump would not get credit. Hoping you can sleep better now. So can you talk outside of your political obsessions? What if FL does NOT experience the deaths at the rates NYC did? What if they develop the herd immunity quicker than other states? A big risk seeing how many retired folks live there. But if all the bar hopping under 40 crowd gets it and it is truly vanilla, then will FL be better off? I know it is hard to think outside the box, but give it a try, and remember, Trump won't get the credit.
  16. Numbers matter only on rainy Tuesdays in March. Emotions get the rest of the publicity
  17. But with the mask, I am also wearing a cup, so it just won't work for me
  18. I also wonder if they are really distinguishing between COVID and other hospitalizations. Many people were waiting a long time for things to relax so they could have surgery for example. So many things were put on hold. Many hospitals in my area were mostly empty
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/28/us/coronavirus-hospital-houston.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Another saying 1/3, but again, I don't trust the media either. This article was yesterday
  20. https://theweek.com/speedreads/922590/nearly-onethird-icu-coronavirus-patients-houston-hospital-system-are-reportedly-under-50 Guess it just depends on who you ask. Weird how nobody can land on the same thing when it is numbers
  21. I think everyone here wears masks, I know I do. I hate the thing, but wear it. Why is it that every time you talk numbers, there is the "wear your mask" quotes? Maybe it changes the numbers? Emotion trumps numbers? Sorry to 4 Corners, who will be triggered by the word "trumps". Still wondering what nude photos he has of the mods
  22. The problem with most is that they mix their politics in with statistics, and it never adds up. Okay, not many people, including me, think much of Trump. So give it a rest. Talk numbers and virus, not fear based opinions based on an election year. Except for 4 Corners, he is a hopeless political case
  23. Look at the graphs I posted and give us all a lesson. Really, if it is that simple, give the answers
  24. How many? was 11 days, then 2 weeks, then 2-3 weeks. Riots and protests and openings started 5 weeks ago. Just sayin'
  25. So now you are a Dick Cheney fan?
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