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Everything posted by stirs

  1. So, will hand shaking fade away in our society as a normal greeting? Or just a pause?
  2. Only state so far without a death was my main point
  3. Think I will go to Wyoming for next wave
  4. Massive stimulus in the form of May 5th on the way
  5. I work with a lot of Asians. Very, very respectful people. Love em. Very smart, very detailed.
  6. Now projections of deaths are at 60,400 into August. Better all the time Things will open back up at the end of April in spots, maybe sooner
  7. China getting a lot of bad pub from around the globe. They are selling all kinds of things that don't work, at high prices, for the virus they started. They might pay an economic price after all, especially as Europe is getting ticked
  8. Fear the mullet, not the virus!!!
  9. Gundy should come here, we have all kinds of opinions and except for mine, most of them are wrong:)
  10. 2.2 million deaths is fear mongering. Someone saying we are trying several new things that hold promise, is not bad. But the President took it a bit beyond that. He lets the cat out of the bag sometimes a bit too soon. But, the media reports stuff like the Japanese drug, chloraquine, z paks, and a host of other things. The internet is FULL of things that are entirely false, urban myths, etc. What the president did is report on something that the media is already reporting on. He did not use the right amount of caution on it, but did not do something so overtly wrong that requires the hair on fire reactions.
  11. CDC was giving advice to docs on using the drug, but since it had not been through all clinical trials, some objected to it being on there like other drugs and they took it down. Does not mean they have given up on it. As I said, it would probably be fully vetted by fall.
  12. Do not, under any circumstances, give the people hope. Fear is all the need at the present, we will keep dispensing it by the ton.
  13. Looks like in the end, another group might be in the coronavirus high risk group. Diabetes we know, but just obesity? We in trouble here in the US. Biggie size, not good. https://news.trust.org/item/20200408103237-l2epf
  14. They are just playing the pro vs anti Trump cards. Neither really care about the drug
  15. Bull is grinding his ax about this Chloroquine drug, you are grinding your ax against Trump. I am just saying it has been used a few times and had limited success. Neither it nor the Japanese drug will make it into our systems until fall, so no use getting excited, nor making it off limits for discussion.
  16. In many cases yes, nothing official yet however, so we will probably be in the next round of virus' this fall before it is "a thing"
  17. Predictions of deaths now down to 81k here in US through August. Not great, but not 2.2 million either. Hoping for the test soon that will show if you have the antibodies
  18. But I hear it will clean any fish tank
  19. We are on a really bad path. Today, Twitter substitutes for real news, well, because "real news" is mimicking Twitter to be opinion based, entertainment broadcasts. We continue to know less and less and chart the future of our country based on slick 30 second videos which are based on nothing, or lies. And, NOBODY, will spend the time to learn about candidates. After all, Survivor is on, I am texting, and so forth. We are an instagram society with little knowledge of history, the present or the future. Screwed we are.
  20. At least where there is voting
  21. Exactly. I mentioned in this thread the other day, that budgets for "might happen" things are not popular as they don't garner votes. It all goes back to human nature in the US. We elect people that stroke us, who pamper us, who tell us how great we are or how bad off we are. THAT is who we elect. We will not put up with some guy wanting to spend loads of our "tax cut" or "entitlement" money on something like buildings full of ventilators. We are going to vote for guys that give back to us immediately. So when everyone points fingers, it is an "us" problem. We are the ones who elect these guys and boring guys doing numbers, are just not our thing here in America. Yes, we will overspend afterwards, but not before a crisis
  22. Just like I mentioned. Preparedness is not a popular budget item. Just human nature https://www.propublica.org/article/how-new-york-city-emergency-ventilator-stockpile-ended-up-on-the-auction-block
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