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Everything posted by stirs

  1. Easily getting the backing and winning the lottery if they are right
  2. The smartest part is going ahead and producing "in case" it is right. This goes against the age old slow method of not producing "in case" it is wrong
  3. Would not known if you had not told me, I normally can't stand their crew and just watch the NFL Network. Wish him the best. Sooo, who will argue w Kiper?
  4. And I was just busting yours, lighten up Francis. It's draft day
  5. Getting ready to have ribs right before the draft. Working from home does have a bright side
  6. Hope you are donating your brain to science someday. It will be a challenge
  7. On the bright side, the South can go without food for longer than the rest of the country, haha.
  8. Mississippi Where everyone wears stretchy pants
  9. What's with all the fat Azzes in the eastern part of our state?
  10. You are correct. For all the banning of biggie size drinks...... https://www.foxnews.com/health/nearly-all-ny-coronavirus-patients-suffered-underlying-health-issue-study-finds
  11. I think the obesity rates and general health issues in the south will hurt way more some non compliance
  12. So how does the country collectively boo the NFL Commissioner tonight?
  13. NY estimates that over 20% of their population has already had the virus.
  14. Your "southern man" statement would not apply across the board. Most of the ignorant azzes in the state are on the board, the rest know what's up
  15. Think it will be exponentially larger than people think. This thing has been here a while, just mixing in w regular flu cases https://news.yahoo.com/healthy-woman-suddenly-died-she-005652793.html
  16. NC not really doing antibodies tests yet. Want to hear about your experience
  17. World is upside down, haha. Grasping at straws. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-8246939/French-researchers-plan-nicotine-patches-coronavirus-patients-frontline-workers.html "running to get a pack of camels"
  18. I watched youtube and put down hardwood floors in the bedrooms in my home. Sometimes the visuals are worth way more than anything else.
  19. Not a 50/50 proposition, but there are many things busting at the seams presently while others are at a crawl. TP, food, sanitizers, etc along with all transportation are through the roof
  20. More things are probably fixed today via "how to" videos on Youtube than ever before
  21. Maybe not, but it seems to be the next big "package". I guess it just depends on which party gets heat or worries about losing power. Never about whats best anyway
  22. It is going to be part of the massive infrastructure bill. Knew it would. When everyone gets on, things crawl and certain areas crawl much worse. Not sure what form it will take
  23. Huge broadband expansion coming
  24. Hopefully, it will be more about a plan going forward. Illinois, CA and others that have been sooooo in debt, and NY with what they are getting hit with, might all see protection
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