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Everything posted by stirs

  1. He keeps saying "his state"
  2. In this scenario, does not look like the closing of Applebee's deterred anything
  3. She, Trump and Biden should all hold a press conference together. After 20 minutes of stammering, stuttering, calling out the wrong names and answers, the world would know that the US has no future. Only the dopes that call these guys moral could think otherwise. Check out the 3 Trillion dollar bill just passed. Nothing immoral there. She is the leader (and speaker for) of immoral people, period
  4. "Good politician" is one of the biggest oxymoron's known to man
  5. Meh, it will probably change again in a couple weeks.
  6. CDC says that surfaces are not as big a deal as originally thought.
  7. This post explains a lot
  8. Yep, its a great day when the speaker of the House and the President are known and adored for their teenage insults. Our country is so screwed
  9. Govs from NY to GA will be held accountable by the people of their states for how the opening is handled and mishandled. Same as how the virus was handled.
  10. I think you are a better drunk poster than hungover
  11. So it looks like China has a vaccine now that they want to "sell" to the world. I think I can find about 100 things wrong with this and am not sure the world would want to buy this from China, could be wrong.
  12. I think he is saying that people do things everyday of their lives that could actually be dangerous.
  13. I think you missed my point. We have been shutting down society for the last couple months, NOT on the basis that people might get sick, which seemed to be your statement. But that people would die, is what we were told.
  14. So we are now shutting down society because someone gets sick? I don't think that was the original aim. Deaths are what we were trying to avoid. If all of a sudden we are trying to keep the world from getting sick, then we have veered waaay off the path. As with any virus or flu, people are SUPPOSED to get sick. We knew this from the bits and pcs we got from China in early Feb, and all we know from centuries of dealing with the flu and virus infections. We knew who it was going to affect, and it did just that.
  15. For most, the rush to judgement is that you are too stupid to understand and too heartless to care. Common sense be damned. "caring" for whatever someone else chooses it to look like, is all that counts
  16. So the frail die without a vaccine and now the "disenfranchised" starve? This is why we are arguing against the whole WHO and Fauci plan. It seemed to be looking only so far ahead. It is pretty much what the world did, so I guess we will see how the world handles food shortages now https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-18/smashing-eggs-dumping-milk-farmers-waste-more-food-than-ever
  17. The "disenfranchised/poor/middle class" might come out smelling like a rose unless they are old, (which means they are probably retired). Those healthy enough to work, are probably in one of the safer groups. Don't think hiding because you have millions, will be the ultimate answer to the question. The question is, are you over 65 and in poor health? If so, you have reason to worry, disenfranchised or not.
  18. From a strategic standpoint, not a humanitarian one, you'd want the hospitals at 90%-100% capacity the entire summer, would you not? Of course a vaccine might make the difference
  19. I think in the end, we will find that this virus does what other virus' do. They ravage the elderly with underlying health conditions no matter how privileged.
  20. At least the 180 from this church won't have to worry this fall
  21. This does not make sense. Trend down is caused by weather? I agree. So work like hell while you can? Or just sit around doing nothing economically, while waiting on the inevitable when fall comes.
  22. How would you handle it? Would you say, go live with your parents for awhile? Would you do like so many and self quarantine from each other even in the same house? The virus is not going away, it will eventually get to everyone until we build herd immunity. Along the way, we have to find ways to protect the vulnerable. I know some folks in GA, the only ones I know that have actually had it, where he is very very vulnerable and they lived in their own rooms for like a month. They talked on the phone even in the same house and wiped the world down. They made it.
  23. Yes, but those that are not linked, should be able to go on and we work on smaller issues, like the ones that are linked.
  24. So what. The whole world is handling this thing so bassackwards, I am about worn out with trying to over legislate everyone and their every move. If you are old and have health issues, stay home and watch it on the computer. Let the rest get through it. I am not for defying the law, but at some point, especially with the changing of info, lack of info, wrong info, hyper partisan info, you cannot expect people to just continue living their lives because Peter cried Wolf. THIS is what happens when pols and media are more interested in the office they hold rather than the people they serve and allow themselves to manipulate the people, through the media. People will soon not heed the idiocy And the So What to begin with is just frustration with the new NEWS we get each day and the new and everchanging targets we are given. Not a jab at you. It is just one more story of "the world is going to end" by the media
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