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Everything posted by stirs

  1. Interior Oline is horrid Erving is close to horrid That group will be shuffled as the year progresses
  2. The interior of the OLine could not hold their ground, much less get push. 61,65, and 60 and up on the 5 yd line.
  3. Washington Bullets Washington Senators Washington Redskins Out with the old
  4. He is the kind of 3rd round guy that will go in for someones injury in the 6th game of the season and become permanent
  5. I always like wearing a guy completely out before cutting him
  6. I can slowly see the "play for each other" mentality coming through during the second season. Now, let's see if it transfers to the field
  7. This place used to be fun during Training camp. Now we only get the drone shots from a half mile away. Not a great change for certain
  8. My expectations are that the Panthers win 34-13, but will hold off until I see a few games in preseason
  9. Not sure any first game is a must win, but it certainly would not bode well to lose this one.
  10. I think Christensen is destined to be LG
  11. Zod says, "he did not get reps" Entire Huddle turns against rookie. If Zod says tomorrow, "he had a tight hammy", then Huddle will say, I knew I had a good feeling about that guy. The chameleon huddle is always lovable
  12. It's Spartanburg in August, if you make it there, you can wear what the hell you want.
  13. Big disappointment. He was the long shot crush for me
  14. Very true. Could have been that the players were specifically warned about this before the pads ever got put on and he went right and played outside the instructions given. Rhule would have certainly been correct to have made an example of that
  15. As athletic as Christenson is, he would make a great pulling G. LG beside Moton might be his home
  16. Hard to tell anything at this point. Monday we start seeing through the fog
  17. In all actuality, none of those backups are going to get you to the playoffs and win anything. Like most teams, if our starter goes out, so do our playoff hopes. We might be better off trading for a LT if our musical chairs experiments do not work to produce one from within. Keeping Darnold upright and healthy is probably the better option.
  18. The great David Newton said one of the highlights was that Chinn picked off Darnold. But that is all he said. He leaves you to believe that Chinn made an outstanding play, or Darnold made a horrible throw. But maybe his latte was not free today, we will give him another pass
  19. I would figure having Minshew on the team until Sunshine can actually take over would be the prudent thing to do for the Jags. Would not figure on seeing a trade until maybe after the 3rd preseason game if at all.
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