The difference is that Mr. Richardson has a sense of what is right and wrong, and the kind of people he wants to have associated with this team. I'm not saying I always agree with him, but I respect his position when it comes to the organization he leads. And while I have mixed feelings about the Hardy situation, in general I do agree that character matters. This was not Greg's first brush with conduct that painted himself and the organization in a bad light. Other than combat, I can't think of any other situation where the end always justifies the means (and in civilized societies, there are even limits to what you can morally do in combat, too). Football is a game, and one that exerts a great deal of influence on the fans who watch it - particularly young ones - whether we like it or not. The Carolina Panthers are owned by a man who expects a certain standard to be maintained by those who work for him. I hate to see Greg go, but his problems are of his own making, and I respect Mr. Richardson's position on the matter. With Dean Smith's loss today, I think it's easy to point out that winning and having good character are not necessarily mutually exclusive.