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Everything posted by Squirrel

  1. Interesting theory https://comicbook.com/dc/news/kevin-smith-shares-sharon-carter-villain-iphone-theory-falcon-wi/
  2. Sharon was pretty obvious. Not digging mary louis dreyfus this episode seemed like she was a little over the top. Rest of the cast was great. It was a nice series filling in some gaps and moving the mcu forward.
  3. Ssh its inflation. Haha. Price of metal is through the roof.
  4. I like how they are introducing all the pieces. Gives people who don't read the comics a idea of them. I figure the last 3 episodes are going to be pretty intense.
  5. Cdc approves travel in the US if fully vaccinated. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/04/02/cdc-fully-vaccinated-may-travel/
  6. Since when did the Panthers move to Atlanta. Panthers looking for my invoice payment. Carolina Panthers c/o Bank of America PO Box 409204 Atlanta, GA 30384-9204
  7. There are countries opening up now for vaccinated travelers. Iceland Thailand (July 1st) Belize
  8. Nothing like the flu. I had covid in October. Muscle aches fatigue and lost taste. Took me 4 days to feel better. So you don't die. But don't get it and take that chance. You have just been lucky so far.
  9. We going thrift store shopping so that really won't pickup til next week.
  10. Yeah delhomme was alot better than Brees.
  11. Studied up on option trading. Feeling comfortable with doing some call options. But haven't done any puts yet. Will piddle with call options for awhile. So far done pretty good.
  12. Post credit? One was for captain marvel the other for Doctor Strange. I'm just wondering how many movies will be connected to wandavision.
  13. Seems like they should have another opt out option this year. Can't see them forcing people to pay with covid still a issue.
  14. Make sure to watch all of the post credit scenes.
  15. Thanks reddit users made a easy $400 while shopping for groceries.
  16. How about they finish the elderly first! Parents are still waiting on their shots.
  17. The biggest scum rental properties should be banned. They do nothing but make the poor pay higher rent.
  18. Disney was baulking hard at those prices. But seems they are close to a deal. https://www.google.com/amp/s/profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/02/26/report-disney-nfl-reach-agreement-on-new-media-rights-deal/amp/ The deal has not been signed yet, but it is expected to come with a price tag between $2.4 and $2.6 billion per year. The earlier report indicated the league was looking for as much as $3.5 billion and the previous deal called for Disney to pay $2 billion a year for media rights
  19. Who in the hell would want to live near Salisbury.
  20. Glad you made it through okay. It wasn't only houses that had issues. Houston international Airport didn't have water one day and Dallas fortworth Airport had a control tower had a waterline bust.
  21. Work from home. So people are moving out of bigger cities and living where they want.
  22. Hope you closed out of gme just popped up to $87
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