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Everything posted by Squirrel

  1. My bet for this game Bruce Irvin will have a strip and return it for a td.
  2. What did she do drive? No doctor would let a pregnant female fly at 9 months.
  3. Every time I watch this show I want ribs.
  4. Just a warning if you are going to the Northeast Monday or Tuesday don't expect to get anywhere til Wednesday afternoon. Specially if you are flying.
  5. BB next press conference. BB: Its was caused by the balls being flown to the game. The balls was under a lot of pressure when they was being flown to the game so that was what cause the psi difference. Reporter: But you played at home. BB: Yeah that is true but we fly the balls in from Florida!
  6. If some people are curious. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/24/sports/football/eli-mannings-footballs-are-months-in-making.html?_r=0
  7. I remembering reading teams will soak the balls in water to break them in before a game. Depending on the weather would factor on how much they got broken in.
  8. Here is a Yahoo report on it. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/deflate-gate--report--patriots-being-investigated-for-deflated-footballs-062844133.html
  9. It is colder in Charlotte than in Anchorage Alaska.
  10. Hope your cars are winterized. Aloha from Hawaii! nice 77 degrees here.
  11. What temperature was this? BTW 70 degrees here today.
  12. Imagine all the Blokes trying to talk smack. lol
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