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Everything posted by Squirrel

  1. God i can only imagine how worse it is now.
  2. As someone who currently is required to go into work. What you are asking for is impossible. I work on around a 12000sq ft floor. They have cleaners constantly cleaning the bathrooms and have hand sanitizer stations throughout the floor. First thing we get done is a temperature check. We a spacing every other desk. Each person coming in wipes down their desk. We have been doing this since the first part of April. Currently no positive test in our office but a scare which resulted in some desk being deep cleaned.
  3. Amc is on the verge of bankruptcy. Expected to happen this week or next week.
  4. Sad thing is Democrats cant find someone to beat him.
  5. Very suspicious planes just dont catch on fire taxiing out. Probably a issue with O2 canisters.
  6. But if you tested positive then you would would know you are immune to it and move on. Besides a vaccine this is the only way the world can move forward.
  7. Would be nice if they could get enough test kits. We need to see who has and hasnt been infected no matter the symptoms.
  8. Which goes away when you have to pay for insurance.
  9. Mercury was a cure all in the middle ages too.
  10. I understand being cautious but saying it will be 9 months will lead to fear and panic. Gradually increasing the weeks is better.
  11. Might be true but some of the severe cases that recover sounds terrible. Total cases will put a toll on the healthcare system.
  12. We are fixing to get full blown here this weekend. We already caught up with Iran with number of cases. Will pass Italy next week.
  13. Wv is the only state without a case of the virus.
  14. Why? Is there something different between night and day? Curfews are stupid. Is there rioting looting?
  15. American is in the worst shape of the big 4 airlines. Wouldnt be surprised if the go bankrupcy chapter 11 as their debt ratio is pretty bad. Cant speak on United but Delta is a safe bet even parking 300 aircraft. Southwest might have issues.
  16. Disney is going to look tempting in the morning.
  17. Ride it out and adding to my portfolio. short term panic longterm gains.
  18. Noticed every single one of them are ball hawks. Think defense is going to score more points than offense this season.
  19. Sweet I'm going to check out the draft festivities this year.
  20. I just want to see Shula run the counter trey all day. Super Bowl victory here we come!
  21. Biggest battle in my mind is Panthers defensive line against Denver's offensive line. That will be the key because that is Denver's weak link. Manning won't have time to do anything with our defense in his face.
  22. Dare I say our defense Will score more than their offense.
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