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Everything posted by Squirrel

  1. Squirrel


    Anyone watch it yet, watched it last night. Honestly thought it was terrible. But want to see what others thought. Thought the 1st one was okay. But DC comics just can't do good movies.
  2. Haha nope foolishly held onto carnival. Still ahead on it but lost 13% on. It today. The rest held their gains.
  3. Cha-ching great day. Carnival up 40% Ford up 5% today for total gain 58% Duke up 2 % for total gain of 16% Walgreens up 6.7% for total 15% Still have kmi down 13 % Wfc down 8% Can't complain though
  4. Got it oct 10th. Quarantined 14 days. Only symptoms I had was fatigue and sore legs.
  5. Yeah still have money in stocks. Going to pull half out before the election though.
  6. F has gotten me 33% returns so far and I plan on holding it to about $9.
  7. One reason I wanted a financial stock was all the companies leveraging cash for covid19. Just feels like the financials will be raking in cash from interest payment. Wanted to buy Chase but out of my price range right now.
  8. Yeah and I decide to pick up some wells Fargo yesterday afternoon. Fml.
  9. Going to pull 75% of my investments and see how the market is in July. Just to much speculation right now.
  10. Going to be a great day in the market.
  11. Yeah pickings are getting slim. Everything for the most part has ran up.
  12. Crazy week 20% to 30% gains this week. Screwed up and sold United to early had a 50% and figured it would correct down. Missed out on another 50% gain. Fml
  13. Yeah down a little too. But I sold one stock at a loss at the beginning because I didn't think it would rebound quickly and I could use it to balance my portfolio. Was able to catch some stocks and ride them up. Best was united from 20.49 to 29.50. Just wished I had more shares of it at the time. This is my furlough stash which I might need in october. So trying to build it up but not be aggressive.
  14. Yeah actually had a position in it but got out when the bankruptcy rumors started floating around.
  15. I sold some positions yesterday market just overpriced right now. Made a nice little profit on United aurlines. But airlines are over priced right now.
  16. Probably now but the last couple of years they weren't and those will be the ones that get foreclosed on.
  17. You don't get forced out til 6 months after you stop paying the mortgage.
  18. Another good use for your $1200 is to hit up your local farmer. See if they have a cow they will sell to butcher for meat. Freezer full of meat goes along way to ease the mind. Plus it helps both of you out. Currently coe market is terrible as the meat processors are turning slow.
  19. Yeah that was what I meant. Some are unemployed and really need the money.
  20. They need to help all Americans affected. Not fair they have a upper wage limit when those people have lost theIr jobs too.
  21. I so want to buy hertz (htz) but damn if isn't temperamental. Another one I might get is Tanger outlets (skt). Getting beat up now and had to suspend their dividend but once this past they should rebound.
  22. American is in the worst shape of any of the US airlines. Look at their debt and assets. They also have one of the highest cash burn rates of the airlines. I will give them a month and they will file chapter 11. I would buy Spirit stock (save) before American.
  23. No!! Not the juicy juice bars.
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