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App Panther

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About App Panther

  • Birthday 02/04/1986

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  1. Take the time out of your busy holiday season to laugh at the Atlanta Falcons.
  2. Id really hate to take QB if we have pick 3-5. Especially after thinking Bryce was going to work out and this wasn't a need. Hopefully today was a blip and he looks good to close out year and maybe even gets one more win.
  3. Not sure if this is a joke, but do people realize we have a RB on the roster with 1100 Yards and 8 TDs who is only 25? This upcoming draft is pretty deep at RB. Just take one with one of the 7 later picks we have to spell Chuba.
  4. Pretty much this. Of all the injuries for a RB too, you took one with an ACL tear. Just insane. Especially when RB wasn't even in our Top 5 need positions. Maybe not even Top 10.
  5. It's official. He will likely never contribute to this team. Unless he's Deonta Foreman 2.0
  6. That pick was so dumb. A luxury pick for a team with endless holes to fill.
  7. The 3 of these guys are all connected by one bond...
  8. I hope he is ok, but it would be our luck that we finally find a franchise TE and he has career ending injury.
  9. I wonder if Caleb is still asking for partial ownersip of the team.
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