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Everything posted by Coheed

  1. It’s almost like both types of trajectories are still in play and it’s still way too early to tell.
  2. It’s actually hilarious how much your own comment applies to what you’ve been saying. Jimmy has legit been like, the most reasonable person in this thread.
  3. I see someone felt personally attacked. Sounds like a you problem lmao
  4. It doesn’t, I’m literally just showing you being wrong about your own words
  5. No one here is simping, just prefer to keep my football discussion rooted in yknow, football
  6. Lmao are you serious? Literally scroll up. It’s the very definition of what you were doing.
  7. If you think calling out gross behavior and responses is white knighting then that’s just a self report my man.
  8. Saying misogyny is unnecessarily happening in a thread and *calling* someone a misogynist are both actually very different things. Go work on the reading comprehension.
  9. “Mr sensitive hypocrite” says the person who’s entire post is personal insults . Projecting a bit are we?
  10. Yuuuup. Like, you can think football decisions should be left strictly up to the football people (one I’d agree with) without all the casual misogyny but alas
  11. Ah, a fluff piece in which the author acknowledges they have no idea how involved she was or how much input she had, just that she was a “fresh perspective”.
  12. Show me proof she’s making on field decisions. and point still stands that even if all these things are true that politics should be left out of it.
  13. And even if she is there’s no reason to make it political
  14. Incompetence obviously? You’re literally taking some months old quote in passing as some sort of evidence for some type of agenda. Keep political BS from the football forum.
  15. “Progressive virtue signaling” lmao my god give me a fugging break
  16. Yes this definitely needed it’s own thread.
  17. You’re the one who’s equating missing one game to weakness, lmao.
  18. Lol what point do you think you’re making here? It’s too early to judge either way
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