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Everything posted by grateflday

  1. Bottom line for me is Bridgewater played average to poorly in the second half in almost every game last season. He was also 0-8 on game winning or go ahead drives. The roster was good enough to not look that bad as a QB and to have at least one or two game winning drives.. a QB who can elevate his team or was a even top fifteen QB would have done more with less and would have played better. Unless the coaches and GM don't like a QB to draft then I'm fine with Teddy this next upcoming season but wont be expecting much more than what we saw last season (unfortunately). The Panthers definitely need a QB that is not Teddy,,, whether it be this season or next.
  2. This for sure. That was the worst thing and part about the whole Cam Newton thing ...
  3. Upate: sweet ... for my two seats combined, only a total increase of $64.38 . Makes sense since it would have been really poor optics for a big increase in prices right now with no fans last season, and uncertainty going forward. Not that Tepper really cares. My guess is he will wait for bigger increase for when the Panthers hopefully have their next franchise QB and starting winning again
  4. I hear ya and am right there with you. We've sat through some pretty awful football at times. Overall I enjoy being at the stadium on game days and what I miss this most is being able to focus on particular players, spots or positions on the field .. instead of only seeing what they show you on tv.
  5. I will not walk away. I just don't like to pay an increases on anything and just a little nervous about how much this years could be; but overall I still enjoy and miss going to the stadium on game days and season tickets to the Panthers is one of the few things I'm still fine paying for.
  6. Seeing what Tepper charged for soccer (apparently some of the most expensive tickets in the league for a team who hasn't ever played yet) ... I'm a little nervous with what, if any, ticket price increase might look like for the upcoming season. I can't see how they could justify an increase, but you never know and they'll probably use the "all the money we spent to make the stadium covid safe" excuse. We will see soon
  7. with this stuff. I would have been "happier" had the Panthers lost to WFT and in a way kind of wanted that BUT what did the tank the game people want the Panthers to do?? Did you watch that game? WTF was not just bad that day but horrible ... tanking or trying to lose that game would have been almost impossible. That is how bad WFT was that day.
  8. When it comes to the draft my attitude is you have to just trust the guys who are paid to do this for a living and are supposed to know what they are doing. We drafted Luke when we were were stacked at LB. We have been puzzled before and ended up with some studs. Plus what I found interesting when they were talking about the pick, was the part about possibly grooming him to play Safety AND we need some of those. ​Panthers definitely still need some play makers on offense though.
  9. With Hardy's personality and mindset ... the Cowboys are a perfect fit. He only ends up in Tampa if he wants to stick it to the Panthers two times a year.
  10. If Hardy is not brought back for any other reason than the impact his contract would have on building the overall roster then it's b.s. That is the only reason not to. All the others, at this stage, is garbage.
  11. The ONLY reason the Panthers should not bring Hardy back is if they can't get him to sign a contract that makes sense for the plans of building the roster. Any other reason to not sign him, and if they did not because of them, would be b.s.
  12. Not at all, or at least how I see it. Then why not just settle, and or plead guilty at the first stage when he went in front of the judge. It was a misdemeanor, he would have gotten his two game (which then the NFL changed to 6) suspension and moved on. I guess maybe after all this time he realized he would lose?? but I don't see it. You don't go this far into the process and start jury selection if you do not feel like you are innocent.
  13. For the right price... BRING Hardy back. The only reason they shouldn't and I would support is if the cost is to much, and hurts our cap. Any other reason not to is b.s
  14. This past season was the first year I had one of those :-) ... it is nice. Even when we go out to eat, or somewhere it comes in handy.
  15. 540 here, row 1A, seat 15 & 16.....right on the rail in front of the section.
  16. Without a doubt this has been one of the most frustrating parts of the past ~4 years. It all started when Fox got fired and they kept Hurney. Right then and there both should have gone.
  17. He will just have to get in the endzone with a bunch of long runs :-) He has been close plenty of times this season, where just one more burst and guy and he was gone. D'Will has that big play ability in him.
  18. Awesome post Zod. Thanks for sharing. The pictures are amazing and this one of Cam is off the charts.
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