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Everything posted by grateflday

  1. That 4th and 1 call, all wr spread with no RB in the backfield screamed “fire me tomorrow please” all over it.
  2. Bryce not looking good for sure but there also is not a single wr on this team who can make play. (Yes, I can say Thielen does but that’s about it.)
  3. This is what I am leaning my hat on and the fact there is nothing we can do about the past and we know Bryce will be the QB here next year at least and maybe two seasons. The other thing I am leaning my hat on is maybe Bryce will be one of those QB's who end up being good when the game slows down for them. Also, I do think Bryce overall doesn't look good right now is due to the roster, oline and the coaching staff. Time will tell.
  4. The scary part is why wasn’t Fitterer fired with him.
  5. Lol What?? there’s going to be up to maybe 60 of us there on Sunday … was thinking my son and I would be the only two
  6. My son and I are still going because we just enjoy being at the stadium on game days. We are going this Sunday with the attitude of being there to laugh at the spectacle it will be, be there for the sh*t show and yeah be at the stadium. And hey.... maybe the Panthers will pull off a miracle
  7. This part is the one I am not 100% in agreement on. I get it, Tepper has not been good and maybe too involved in many of the decisions BUT overall he did not build this roster. Tepper did not miss on Sanders, Hurst, and Chark. Tepper did not miss on Icky (still to be determined). Tepper did not miss on Marshall. Tepper did not miss on how many other positions did the Panthers draft that have not developed nor contribute. Yeah I get it, he did hire these people and I was not happy to start with the Rhule hire but was with Reich and staff brought in this year. So again, I put way more of this blame on who built this roster. Where I will lynch Tepper is if we didn't pick Stroud because of him.
  8. This is where I have been. I wanted Stroud but at this point there is nothing we can do about it, the draft is over and there is no redo.
  9. I agree!! The next three games are winnable. The Panthers should not be this bad and I am expecting wins at least 2 out of the next 3. If they beat Houston they should win three in a row.
  10. Duh, I did forget DJ. For Moose, don’t not know why I was thinking he was somewhere else first so yeah him for sure. I guess overall I think of all the misses since Cam was drafted. And there has been a bunch.
  11. The amount of times the Panthers have missed on a wr is a lot. I am trying to think, but can not recall any great to even good wr's they have drafted besides Steve Smith. Everyone else, the best wr's in Panther history all came via trade or free agency. That totally sucks, and this failure at drafting wr these past 10yrs has been detrimental to the organization.
  12. Well you did say .. “Just wait until our fans watch Chicago take Caleb Williams with our no. 1 pick.” So that does sound like you are saying the Panthers finish last. It’s not provable in either situation to know how this season would have played out if they don’t make that trade but if anything has shown us, is the most likely scenario is they finish where they aren’t picking early enough in the draft for Caleb or another top QB again like the past many drafts. The narrative the Panthers gave up a top or early pick is false because they are simply not the same team without the trade. And yes we can argue about that all day
  13. So be it and this is somewhat a false narrative the Panthers gave away a top or early pick because without the trade the Panthers are a different team rolling into this season, with a veteran QB starting , DJ Moore on the roster, etc. They are probably not picking early enough in the draft for Caleb or another top QB just like the past seasons.
  14. I totally agree and my choice was Stroud but at this point the draft is over, we have Bryce and nothing can do to change that. The same team and same QB doesn't win the Superbowl every year and there is more than one good to great QB in the NFL every year .... So yep, now its lets see him develop -hopefully to good and better if to great.
  15. I get the animosity towards Tepper as the Panthers have been a sh*t show since he bought the team. That being said, I do not see any indication he doesn't want a winning team. Tepper has spent money and made the effort to be successful. Sadly he has not made good decisions, and hopefully the recent ones to bring in Reich, etc turn out well (not looking good so far). But again, he has spent money and is doing what he thinks is right to be successful, so is Tepper that worst owner .. I say no, but if he does not learn at some point and get it right then I will definitely become a yes.
  16. Partially yes overall more so because they picked the wrong person. Can't get to caught up in the we would have had a top 3 or whatever pick in the draft because without that trade they are probably rolling with Dalton or another vet QB again and maybe end up with to many wins again for a top pick. Sadly we here now and have to let this play out with nothing to go by right now but hope
  17. I get the animosity towards Tepper as the Panthers have been a sh*t show since he bought the team. That being said, I do not see any indication he doesn't want a winning team. Tepper has spent money and made the effort to be successful. Sadly he has not made good decisions, and hopefully the recent ones to bring in Reich, etc turn out well (not looking good so far). But again, he has spent money and is doing what he thinks is right to be successful and since he is not going to sell the team so WHAT I WANT TO SEE is hopefully Tepper learns from all the mistakes and eventually gets it right.
  18. This to me was the start of this now continued sh*t show and how the franchise went about the transition from Cam so wrong. The correct course of action & how most franchises "rebuild" or move on is they should have simply re-signed Cam then eventually draft his replacement AND if Cam's shoulder was so shot & they sucked so bad then we are in the Trevor or other early draft pick QB hunt. Instead, its been one other teams failed QB after another and now hoping the Bryce pick works out with to many years of some of the worst football ever witnessed in Charlotte.
  19. My son, my dad and me will be there on Sunday.
  20. I did then and still blame the loss in the Superbowl on Ron Rivera. I told my cousin before the game the weakness on the team was Remmers on the right side of the line and we will know how the game is going to go based on that AND of course we all know the rest. The fact Rivera allowed that to happen, and worse, made no adjustments (how it appeared watching) to give Remmers help and not allow one player to totally destroy the team is why the Panthers lost that game. Everything else everyone talks about is easily overcome and probably doesn't matter if the coaching staff did a better job - starting with the main guy Rivera.
  21. Keep all 3 (Young, Dalton, Corral) for at least this year and maybe next year. If we've seen anything, it's the value of a good back up and even down to the third guy. To me that's a more desirable option than having to bring someone in during the season or the guy on your practice squad (who in a scenario might not be Corral). I know they are allowing 3 QB's on the roster game days for an emergency QB. Not sure if this is part of the new rule, dont think so, but I also think teams should be able to keep a third Qb on the roster without losing a roster space.
  22. We will be there .. we bought tickets last month
  23. I think they NFL should allow teams to carry 3 QBs and not have the 3rd one count against the 53 man roster.
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