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About BuckNaked

  • Birthday 08/26/1982


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  1. Only really if the team moved, but the amount I'm invested depends on how well or poorly the team is ran. I I used to attend games frequently. I haven't been to a game since Tepper has owned the team and won't until we hire a coach that has some imagination. I'm tired of this team being ran like a KMart that has an unlimited bank roll. The team needs to stop living past.
  2. Just means they probably will be drafting a qb and one less may be available at 8.
  3. I want to see the fear in Wilson's eyes up close and personal!
  4. It's funny how cowboys fans are calling him Scam, not to long ago they thought Romo might be done and they were saying they were going to Steal Cam away from us.
  5. Man and if he does still have some gas left in the tank that would be awesome. I know we would probably want to restructure and that gman drafts based on bpa but that was a glaring hole. It would be nice to head into the off season with one more addressed.
  6. Imagine how fast Chip Kelly would run his offensive plays on us with this lineup. He's an incredible acquisition but that game would scare me even if the iggles aren't doing that well this year.
  7. That's some ginyu force sh*t rugh there.
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