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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. I don't really care who wins the Super bowl or this game. It can be SF, Det, or the KC swifties. Just want good games. And so far, this one is pretty good.
  2. Pass should have never been thrown. But what a great play.
  3. Johnson might be a good offensive coordinator, but having a great oline would make a lot of offensive coordinators look good. Throw in good running backs and a veteran qb, and that is why the Detroit offense looks so good.
  4. People can Yammer about Purdy all they want to, but the story of the first half is Detroit dominance over the the SF defense.
  5. I think Purdy has played well. Only one really bad throw. And several nice ones. But a missed fg and poor defensive play is hurting SF right now.
  6. It reminds me of a couple of our games last year under Wilkes. Specifically the Bengals and Steelers game, where we just got abused in the trenches. But the forty niners have a better team than we did.
  7. The forty niners defense is getting beat like a drum so far.
  8. After the last two weeks, they might be looking for a new kicker.
  9. Those two plays show what is so problematic with Purdy. Sometimes it looks like he can be a future star. Other times, not so much.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Lions fans are there. Once in a lifetime opportunity for them. That being said, sometimes it depends on where the mikes are.
  11. I said score, not td. The errors by the WR definitely cost them a td though.
  12. No doubt, the KC d played a heck of a game. But three bad plays on the same series by their top receiver cost them one score. A horrible decision by their qb cost them another.
  13. Wow, not a play I would have called, but it worked. That is ballgame. Its a cliche, but in this case its true. Baltimore beat themselves.
  14. They might have declined a 5 yarder, but 15, I don't think they would. KC might get to punt on the Baltimore side of the 50, or close to it.
  15. Yeah, but was the ball in the air. I am not sure.
  16. Ball was uncatable, but maybe it should have been called.
  17. If I were the ravens, I would go for the end zone, and then kick the fg.
  18. The network ref disagreed with you. That play reminded me a little of the end game against the Patriots in 2013.
  19. TO's have killed them (turnovers, not timeouts).
  20. No need to trash Jake. His problem when he started throwing all the picks was a bad arm. That was just a horrible decision on Jacksons part.
  21. Well, that probably does it. Horrible throw by Jackson.
  22. And now Clowney gets a roughing the passer, and unlike a lot of them, this one was obvious. Baltimore is self destructing.
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