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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. If you don't have Medicare part b (the one that cost $170 per month, Medicare won't cover things like ambulance service, wheel chairs, some prescription medication, diabetes supplies, therapy and counseling etc.... One trip in an ambulance could cost as much as $1200 If you believe that Medicare and indeed all health and health insurance should be redesigned, I agree with you. But as far as what is available right now, at this point in time, in my opinion, (based on working with my mom for 15 years now dealing with straight Medicare, Medicare part b, part d, and medicare advantage plans), Medicare advantage is far and away the easiest and cheapest to deal with.
  2. Probably the best all around baseball player ever. Great fielder, great hitter who could hit for power and average, and a real threat to steal.
  3. I strongly disagree and I have direct and recent experience with it. I help my mom manage her finances, and the Medicare advantage plan has been a huge benefit and a great thing for her. The $170 a month you are referring to (Medicare part b) was already being taken out of her account well before she switched to the Medicare advantage plan. It is something Medicare does for additional coverage of prescription medicine and other services. And no, Medicare wouldn't pay for everything, if you only have part a (when you don't have the $170 taken out of your social security). The 20% copay you referred to is only if you have Medicare part b and have the additional money take out of your social security. In addition to the 50 a month, she gets 2000 a year in dental coverage which Medicare doesn't provide. They also have other benefits, such as life alert (which would cost 40 a month if she had to pay for it herself). Not saying it doesn't have drawbacks, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
  4. When I was stationed in Norfolk, the redskins were probably the team of the area. Aside of course from the miitary people who were stationed there and kept there favorite teams. In truth, even in the area I grew up (triad) there were more Redskins fans than any other team, simply because they were on TV every week.
  5. San Antonio is not a larger market. San Antonio itself is bigger than Charlotte, but the Charlotte Metro area and combined statistical area are both larger. Austin is as far away from San Antonio as Greensboro/WS/High Point or Spartanburg/Greenville are from Charlotte. And if you drive that trip (I have) unlike NC, there is almost nothing in between the two. Also, San Antonio would have to compete with Houston and Dallas. Charlotte's closest competition is Atlanta.
  6. I read the article. The only threat of relocation was a rumor they might move to Kannapolis. That would actually be better for me. The discussion about moving to another state was purely conjecture on the part of the reporter. While its certainly not outside the realm of possibility, there hasn't been any actual mention of it.
  7. Wasn't talking about Medicare exactly. Medicare advantage is different. The one my mom uses is thru blue cross and blue shield. Medicare Advantage (Part C) | Blue Cross Blue Shield (bcbs.com) My mom has been using it for about six months now. Before she was using a medigap program run by United Health Care and it paid almost everything, but was costing her 400 a month. The Medicare advantage plan doesn't cost anything (the premiums are actually paid by Medicare). Now she does have copayments, some of them for for medicine, but so far, they aren't bad. Hers also covers dental, which medicare normally doesn't cover. I will state though that my Mom has Medicare part b (she pays for it, but gets reimbursed by the employer my stepdad retired from).
  8. Nfl leaders don't look at the population of just the city itself. Charlotte has three of the top fifty combined statistical areas within a 1 to 1.5 hour drive. Charlotte, Greensboro/WS/High Point, and Greenville Spartanburg. Those three statistical areas include nearly 7 million people. Other than Raleigh, the only one in the top fifty within an hour and half of raleigh is Greensboro. So only about 4-5 million people. Charlotte has many more people to draw from. Also, many of the surrounding communities for Raleigh are not native born. If memory serves, many still refer to Cary as Containment area for relocated Yankees. One of the reasons the Canes do so well is a significant portion of the population are people who moved from Northern Areas. Would that population translate into support for a NFL team? Hard to say, but I see a tremendous amount of Giants/Jets jerseys in the triangle when I forced to endure the crazy traffic on 40/85.
  9. Raleigh would struggle to support an NFL team. Lower population than Charlotte and surrounding areas and too much competition from college programs.
  10. Its social media, people like to whine, especially when its someone they don't like at the time. I don't see the point in complaining about something like this (its a good thing overall) but then I generally just scroll past the whining.
  11. If you draft a qb at number one, or anywhere in the top ten for that matter, fans expect him to be elite. Since there are only 10-12 elite qb's in the NFL at any one time, it rarely works out that. And 10-12 might be pushing it. But if Young fails, we get another shot next year.
  12. Worst Sports town is Dallas. Why? Because its full of Cowboy fans. No other reason needed.
  13. I am ok with the pick. If all of you are correct about how bad we will be, then if it takes him a full year to get fully healthy it won't matter. If Bryce is as bad this upcoming year as he was last year, then we draft a qb and the new guy has a fully healthy Brooks in the backfield, and we can spend our draft picks on other positions.
  14. I would say it depends on where they live and what they want to do when they retire. I think most of these folks saying you need a million are talking about living a relatively high end lifestyle. With a cruise or some other type of vacation every year and perhaps buying a new car every 4-6 years. If you don't need that, then SS, and a small 401k or pension is probably enough. My mom is living ok off of SS and a small pension she gets from my stepdad's employer. And that was after years of financial mismanagement, which saw them have a house with a mortgage and two other loans that used the house as collateral. Sold the house for enough to pay off all the debt with a little left over and they bought a small condo. Even with making payments on the condo, my mom still has enough to pay all the bills and save a little bit. One recommendation I do have for anyone reaching Medicare age. Look into signing up for a Medicare advantage plan. My mom signed up for it last year, and it is well worth it.
  15. They can sell it in capsule form. Capsule or pill form of it was around back in the 80's. It was called t-tabs. Its illegal due to the odd vagaries of history. If the ancient Romans had used pot instead of beer/ale, pot would be legal and beer would be sold on the black market.
  16. I rarely drink soda. I think I have had all of 5 in 2024. On the rare occasion I drink them, it's either Coke zero or Cheerwine.
  17. I have the same feeling this year as I do prior to any season. A mix of hope and pessimism
  18. I would say Brady Christensen is actually our best offensive pick, which is almost as sad.
  19. Ask me after a few actual games. If someone had ask me how good we would be in 2015 after preseason, I would have said 8-8, maybe 9-7.
  20. Some of the schools might have to cut back in other areas though to cover it. At a place like Alabama, probably not an issue. But for say Vanderbilt or Wake Forest, this could mean some programs get cut or reduced.
  21. From what I have read, all of that is paid out of the money that they make from sports, or from donations. The power five schools make more than enough money to cover it. I remember reading that some taxpayer funding went into the Dean Dome, but for the most part, almost all the funding comes from income generated by the sports program and from fees included in tuition. At least at a power five conference school. Not sure how the others do it. A few schools even make a profit which goes back into the general fund, although that may go away now. For example, UNCCH made 139 million in revenue last year. That was more than enough to cover the expenses of the athletic program. But the one part I found annoying when I paid for my son to go to a UNC school (not Chapel Hell) was that his tuition included an athletic fee that he had to pay whether he chose to go to a game or not. I believe all the schools do this and for those that lose money, this is what puts them over the top.
  22. The money will come from the funds that the schools earn from sports. For example, the ACC paid each of its schools an average of 45 million, which came from tv, bowls, ncaa tournament etc... The money to pay the athletes will come from that distribution as well as any money the school makes from ticket and memorabilia sales. Per the deal made, they are allowed to distribute 22% of that money to the players.
  23. I don't know if Fields will work out (he probably wont), but these comments just seem to be coming from someone who is an ass. Authentic relationships? What should he do, go to each teammates house and weed their garden for them? Take their kids to school? He doesn't need authentic relationships. Just a professional, work relationship. And he needs to play well.
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