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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. He was top 10 in yards with Fields throwing the ball on a team that was bottom five in the league in passing attempts. With Mahomes or Allen throwing it, I have no doubt he would move into the top five.
  2. I think DJ has done amazing considering the passing attack's/qb's he has been saddled with. Cam, after his arm was shot, Kyle Allen, Teddy two yards Bridgewater, Sam throw it to the other team Darnold and PJ Walker. If DJ was in Baltimore, Buffalo, or KC, he would be top five in the NFL.
  3. If by unload you mean cut, then there is little doubt that will happen. If by unload, you mean trade, can't see that happening. Can't imagine anyone would give us anything for him.
  4. Its definitely arguable. Kelce is good, no doubt. But having Mahomes and Reid help him a lot. Put prime Gonzales in Kelce's position, and he would have as good or better numbers.
  5. I would keep Brown over anyone else on the defense. He is a building block for the future. A lot of the plays made behind him are due to him.
  6. News flash, Air Force shoots down plane with NFL coaching staff on it because plane changed flight and mid air and was headed towards Washington.
  7. So you want to get rid of Christensen, Moton, and Brown? I hope that doesn't happen.
  8. In fairness, most teams can look weak against Reid and Mahomes.
  9. to me, it is. But to each his own. Fwiw, I am not arguing that Burns is a superstar or anything of the sort. Just that he is a good DE, who can make good plays. And I think if we get a better pass rush in general, he could get 10-12 sacks a year and force opposing offenses to account for him. But I do think we have backed ourselves into a corner with the way we handled his contract. Could have gotten a lot for him last year, now we will get less. I would almost rather pay him the bigger contract than do a trade that is unlikely to get much for him. Or worse yet, cut him and get nothing more than cap space and a comp pick.
  10. I disagree. Can't have a game changing play if you aren't in the game. Against Tampa, Burns had a second half sack that forced Tampa to settle for a fg in the red zone. On our following possession, we march down the field, but don't score. In fact, didn't score at all that game. Could have been a game changing play, but it wasn't because we never had a chance to win the game as the offense got shut out.
  11. In fairness, you have to have a decent team before many game changing plays can be made. I mean if you get a sack when your team is down by a few points, but your offense can't move the ball, then there is no chance of a game changing play.
  12. I didn't care when New England was winning a lot of Superbowls, and I don't care if KC wins them. If we can't win it, my only wish is for the Cowboys to lose. Beyond that, I don't care who does win, just want an interesting game.
  13. And it's your job as coach to make smart calls. Campbell didn't. And he is not going to the Superbowl because of his calls
  14. Dropped passes happen. Bad coaching decisions when the coach actually has time to think about his decision and makes the wrong one anyway are worse.
  15. It would shock me. When he coached Wake, Caldwell was considered one of the most honorable and decent people to every coach at Wake. He wasn't a good coach, but I have never head so much glowing praise issued for a guy who was being fired as I did when Caldwell was let go. Unless he changed dramatically as a NFL coach, I call bull on it.
  16. CMC wanted to be here. He was injured a lot Most huddlers agreed with the move at the time We would likely still be a bad team if he was here. Unless its a QB, one player doesn't make that much of a difference.
  17. If they fall apart it will likely be because the players and coaches they have leave, and the replacements aren't as good. Or because other teams in the NFC improve and Detroit doesn't. I doubt it will be mental.
  18. If the Lions were the dominant team in the NFC this year and choked it away, I might agree. But this was somewhat unexpected. They will look back on this as a good overall season, and I think they will be ok. Hopefully, their coach learns that when you have a chance to go up by three scores in the second half of the NFC championship game, you go for it.
  19. Well, we don't know if Campbell or Johnson called the run. But its a terrible call. If it gets to fourth down, you can run or pass. But third down is crazy.
  20. They keep saying SF doesn't play well from behind. How often have they actually been behind by a lot?
  21. Well, unless something crazy happens, ballgame.
  22. They haven't scored a single point in the second half.
  23. There is a time and a place to gamble on 4th down. They did it twice at the wrong times. Chance to go up by three scores earlier, failed. Chance to tie the game now, failed. Might cost them the game. If the forty whiners get a td here, the game is over.
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