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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. If the receiver we pick is a good prospect, then certainly. With Theilen and the New guy, we have some vets. So any drafted receiver won't be depended on right away and can be worked in. That being said, I hope we aren't wed to any specific position.
  2. What the Bears do is irrelevant. If Young works out, the trade was worth it. If not, it wasn't.
  3. Agreed, and making the deal to move up last year would have been a lot easier if we had the Rams picks. We might have even been able to keep DJ.
  4. Didn't think about that, but you are right. Maybe he is planning to take the Metro into work.
  5. Fwiw, he has only missed 8 games in four seasons. I would be more concerned if it was a knee or some other joint.
  6. They are far more comparable situations than Mack was. Regarding a tagged edge rusher, can you find a single time in history were a team got what you guys seem to want for Burns?
  7. Irrelevant, they had him for at least two to three years regardless. If you want a more comparable situation, its Yannick Ngakoue. He had roughly similar production to Burns, and the Jaguars tagged and traded him to the Vikings for a second and a conditional fifth. Or perhaps Dee Ford who coming off of a pro bowl season, was tagged and traded by KC to the forty niners for a second round pick and a player whose name escapes me. No way in he!! anyone gives us two first rounders for Burns today. We wouldn't have gotten a single first for him unless we give up something else.
  8. Comparing Mack's trade to the trade today, well the circumstances are vastly different. Mack had several years left, while the Giants are going to have to sign a giant contract for Burns. There is zero chance that the Giants or anyone else would give up a couple of first for a player on a tag. Not even a single first or someone would have jumped in and made the offer. Now if you want to complain about us not trading Burns a couple of years ago, I completely agree. Fitterer and company should have either done the trade or bit the bullet and paid him what he wanted. Today's move is Morgan making what he thinks is best of a bad situation he inherited.
  9. Meh, he had one of the best groups of receivers in the NFL, that made him look better than Carr. Whether he was actually better is anyone's guess. He will be the Falcons best qb since Ryan left. So they should be better.
  10. We had the worst sack numbers in the NFL last year. Not sure it could get any worse.
  11. We are restructuring the roster, and NFL teams do that every year. Especially with a new coach/staff/front office. I have only seen one NFL team actually tank, the Dolphins. And it still hasn't paid off for them.
  12. Most of them will last if you do the Maintenance and treat them well. I bought a Yard Machine el cheapo riding mower when I bought my house back in 1998. It lasted until the Covid epidemic. Regarding Home Depot/Lowes, they are fine if you are going to do the maintenance yourself. Getting maintenance done by a shop can be a pain though. They give people who bought their own mowers, or a brand they sell first priority. So if you are good at doing the maintenance, then Lowes is fine.
  13. My reading comprehension is fine. The author, and you, just wanted some clicks, nothing more. They said that they weren't thinking about a name change of any sort at this time. Basically, it was corporate PR talk for, we aren't going to do that, but we aren't going to tell people we aren't going to do it.
  14. The article said they dont have any plans to change the name back at this time. They wont change it back.
  15. Fair enough. My point was though that the term generational talent or prospect gets thrown around way to much and more often than not, turns out to be inaccurate.
  16. By a handful of people perhaps. But if he was widely believed to be a generational talent, then I think he would have been taken in the top 20 of the draft. He wasn't even the top receiver taken in the draft.
  17. All this yammering about generational talent and for that matter, great receiver class is just talk. Means nothing until we see it on the field. The players coined as generational talents almost never become a generational talent. Meanwhile, the guys who were generational talents (Randy Moss, Jerry Rice, our own Steve Smith), were not really recognized as such until they actually played. Regarding our own selections, I just hope we get 3-4 good players out of this draft.
  18. Fwiw, I am somewhat Optimistic. We will likely be bad in the upcoming season, but either Bryce shows improvement, or we pick another qb the following year, and hopefully get it right.
  19. I am. Cam has to wind up and throw mortar shots to get it deep. Bryce may have issues as his delivery is slow and he takes a while to get it out, but he has better arm strength than Cam at this point. Cam is no longer able to do this. If he could, with his other physical attributes, he would still be playing.
  20. I am 6'3 and 245, although certainly not a great athlete. But I wouldn't throw punches at anyone unless I had to. Especially a professional athlete.
  21. Tropical spots don't interest me in the least. Lived in Hawaii, and visited several other tropical places when I was in the Navy and imo, a beach is a beach is a beach. My favorite place over the years that I have visited is Italy. The history, the food, and the culture are wonderful. I would love to visit Greece. And maybe China, although the government there gives me pause.
  22. Fwiw, I am a Wake fan. I don't think that any of it was intentional. I do think that KF saw the Wake fan running towards the way KF was headed, and put out his arm to shield himself. Of course, the Wake fan was probably talking trash, so maybe there was a little hostility in the move that KF made. But certainly, no attempt at injury by either side. That being said, court storming should be controlled better at a minimum. Most coaches think it's a bad idea. And with all the armed pyschos around today, how long before someone gets seriously injured? Not just a knee or ankle, but actually a more serious life-threatening injury.
  23. As long as they don't look at our road record.
  24. They have been decent the last two years, hopefully this year they get over the hump and make the tournament. This one shows the Duke player shoving a Wake fan who was running by, probably talking trash. Which is why they need to delay court storming.
  25. I felt for years that it was only a matter of time. And with all the crazy people out there today, I think its only a matter of time before some psycho fan attacks a player on the court. They have to start giving time for the other team to exit the court, which is difficult in a game that was so close. That being said, Go Deacs.
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