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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Neither team is playing much offense tonight.
  2. I am 6-3, I think I still have a few dings in my forehead from trying to run thru the passageways on the Iowa when General Quarters sounded.
  3. Didn't know that, thanks. I was reading the displacement, got it wrong.
  4. The did send a mayday immediately when they lost power. My guess is the generator would cover that.
  5. From what I read, it was closer to 150,000 tons. I also read that the generator kicked in when power went out, but the generator either doesn't or wouldn't power the steering. That is the one thing about this that doesn't make sense. Should the generator power the steering, and if not, why not? I remember reading about ships in WWII that lost power during a battle. USS South Dakota was one that did. Can't imagine anything scarier than losing power when engaging the enemy. Fwiw, when I was on the Iowa, we lost power once. Fortunately, we were sailing in the middle of the Ocean, nothing to hit.
  6. Well, we are definitely making some moves this off season. Hopefully they pay off.
  7. I have traveled across that bridge. What a scary situation. If you are on the bridge and see it coming, not much you can do. I guess you open the car window so you can get out when the car sinks, but that is about it.
  8. We work on the footwork regardless of who the qb is, every year at the beginning of camp. Tom Brady, I know you are the greatest of all time, but we are going to start this years camp by working on your footwork. lol I do hope he can turn the kid into a good qb.
  9. That is a weird comment. What he did as a coach had nothing to do with his time as a player.
  10. I agree. They had a ratings spike this year, and might have one next year with the playoffs, but overall, I expect ratings to continue to drop. Might get to the point where networks say the ratings are not worth the money, and we can do better with cheap reality shows.
  11. Colorado actually had a big problem in that they didn't have enough fouls.
  12. Looks like Marquette will pull out a close one.
  13. Two seed Marquette is in a battle with Colorado. If Colorado wins, could see 11 seed NCSU battle 10 seed Colorado for a shot at the elite 8.
  14. Not amazing at all. We had a very good defense and the best group of receivers to ever suit up for the Panthers as a unit. Moose was in his prime, Steve Smith was really coming into his own and Proehl was Mr. Clutch.
  15. I think Clemson would have to win as well, and they have a very tough match.
  16. Two games away, I wouldn't say no way. But they are in a difficult bracket. It would be ironic if they met Houston in the elite 8. We would definitely see this clip a lot.
  17. That was a terrible missed call. Should have been a backcourt violation on Oakland. And then a NCSU player fouled out.
  18. If someone had told me two weeks ago that Oakland and NCSU would be playing for the right to go to the sweet 16, I would have laughed at them. Hadn't even heard of them before thursday.
  19. We might do both. Get a guy like Clowney for immediate performance, and a young guy to develop for the future. Depends on how much Clowney wants, and if he wants to play for us.
  20. I would say Fitz blew it and lost, but the end result is the same. IMO, turning down the trade meant we should have signed Burns right away. If you have a choice of trading for two first round picks or resigning a player, and you choose the latter, nothing is gained by waiting. If you wait, you end up with a lot less which is what happened.
  21. I think we should take a poll on whether we should sign Gallup.
  22. I think Mingo was decent considering he was a rookie receiver on the worst passing team in the NFL last year.
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