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Everything posted by scpanther22

  1. Seems like he's letting FItt off the hook for his part in this a little
  2. Wouldn't be suprised if we tried poaching someone from MIA given Tua's playing style and what they're doing
  3. The mistake here is thinking they're the smartest guy in the room. I've been around my fair share of executives they get treated like they're the smartest person in the room when usually they aren't. They only see that when they jump into another industry
  4. Dont know how much I buy the first part. Your most important investment is the #1 overall pick...Reich could have still been here with losing but you can't lose while also having your #1 pick regressing
  5. Reporting on someones mental condition is basically just pure speculation you cant really prove or disprove anything
  6. College has been miles better this year IMO...i'm glad i'm not the only one seeing how bad the NFL has been this year
  7. Rhule getting rid of Cam in the first place was a dumb move
  8. its gonna take people walking away from the team for them to get better
  9. one thing I know about executives is they're all very good at putting the blame on everyone but themselves
  10. The last time the Panthers had a winning season(2017) I could...(fill it in what comes to mind) just for lols ....Rent DVDs from Netflix .....I could still fit my jeans from highschool .....See Donald Trump in primetime on NBC and not a mug shot on CNN
  11. So are we ripping him for firing people while also wanting him to fire Reich???
  12. I hope people don't actually hate him lol unless I missed something personal...just seemed like the guy wasn't very good at football lol
  13. Most executives are placed there because of systemic advantages they were given thats pretty much the way its always been
  14. At this point I get an almost morbid laugh out the Panthers beat writers having to spin positivity out of this season My guess is something along the lines of "Despite picks Panthers picking up the pieces"
  15. The young vs Stroud talk is gonna be terrible this week
  16. Davis was spurred by the players coming to him about their own coach...for the most part we haven't heard that about the players with Reich
  17. how did this line go from being decent last year to this
  18. its kind of amazing how most of the streaming services keep taking on massive amounts of debt...they just raise the prices every year and layoff a quarter of their staff like clockwork
  19. if the south embraced walkable cities it would be better here by a mile
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