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Everything posted by scpanther22

  1. Always hated how new coaches see old players from previous regimens like unloyal castoffs instead of players to be coach like any other
  2. Didn't understand the hate for the manga ending. Seemed like it ended the way I expected it to all end
  3. The kind of player Smith was and how he played, the same attidue that made him great probably made him a bad teammate to be around at times.
  4. I'd say dark- dystopian zombie show. If you like anything in the vein of TWD early seasons, the road, post apocalyptic stories you'd like this
  5. Very random thread while I'm traveling. I love those hole in the wall local sub shops. Usually family owned places feel like thats the real culture of a place. What's the best one you ever had? Went to a place called "Hoagies on Main" in a small town in Palmyra PA recently and Dalessandros in Philly was pretty good.
  6. My friend says the fungi makes her skin crawl lol
  7. Little girl looks just like her mother Thandie Newton lol Good first episode. I hope it has an end point in mind. Really can not take another TWD with it spinning its wheels forever
  8. Who else remembers these? Use to love them in the 90s lol https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/10/business/pizza-hut-big-new-yorker/index.html
  9. Cam has to be smiling somewhere right now. this is the kind of revenge fantasy people dream of lol
  10. lol at Kickers wanting revenge
  11. So many Jordan cry face memes on twitter right now. lol
  12. I wish I had a time machine to go back and tell my 08 self it gets better against the cards it gets better. lol
  13. Denvers defense is not one I would like to see in the Superbowl
  14. Pretty cool. Every now and then i'll run into someone that doesn't know the Panthers are a two state team. Hope this solidarity teaches a few people. lol
  15. Ive watched Allen on plays and he comes off the ball incredibility slow. That fast first step really isn't there anymore.
  16. We're playing our worst on defense at the worst time to do so Not what you wanna do going into the playoffs
  17. I put this more on the defense not protecting the lead than offense letting up..we were up by 28.
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