We are not a big market when it comes to the NFL stop
1. The Panthers are a relatively young team. 2. NC/SC are full of transplants with other teams allegiance.
This would be a bigger story if we were in a bigger market because I can't think of many QBs that have looked worse and had the turn around he has
He wasn't just bad it looked like he didn't know how to even play the position
I have to think its because WR is one of the more singular positions on a football and one of the most public facing ones unlike a 350LB linemen lol. Its a bad combo for an ego
I always thought the whole tipped balls thing was overblown simply because..it wasn't like he was play againt OL that were 5'6 in college lol Of course NFL players are way more athletic and stronger but height is height
More than even the literal moment is seeing him confident. Especially for a QB its such a mental game. Believing you can do it usually precedes you actually doing it