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About scpanther22

  • Birthday 02/02/1989

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  1. I never thought steve the "man" was a person to look up to but Steve the "player" to me one of the best WR to ever play the game
  2. That x account isn't an actual NFL reporter just a random guy that bought the account
  3. My own bias aside- I think we have some of the best colors in the league. Irony that its all came during the franchise worst years
  4. No, i'm saying 100 million is big motivator to stay on the field lol
  5. Amazing how injury prone players can get it together in a contract year lol
  6. I "expect" and panthers "will" are two different things lol
  7. People forget Charlotte is a trendy place to be right now so its very plausible anyone being here and it having nothing to do with the Panthers lol
  8. I actually forget Cam is only 35 lol If his arm wasnt shot he could technically still be playing but that's felt like a million years ago
  9. Cam is media now, you have to tune out 50% of what he says because its just hot takes lol
  10. Bill Belichicks coaching tree is terrible lol just misses all over it
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