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About djp14

  • Birthday 06/09/1965


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  1. Looks like they're doubling down. Now it's considered an organizational failure that we ever started BY over Dalton. And he needs to go somewhere else and flourish. Can never look to the national media for an educated take on the Panthers. They don't watch our games.
  2. Bears fans starting to realize they traded CJ Stroud for Caleb Williams.
  3. The time to get Howell was when we were drafting Matt Corral.
  4. I've been with this team since day 1, but lately my involvement consists of posting here, and watching them when they pop up on Red Zone (which isn't that often). Super Bowl 50 was a huge gut punch, and the Tepper regime has been a disaster. I'm at a Hornets level of caring, right now. And the older I get, the less important any of this seems.
  5. Why would anyone think we'll pick the best QB?
  6. 30+ years of Hornets fandom has already prepared me for this.
  7. Tepper's win pct - 32% Bobcats win pct - 36.4%
  8. It doesn't matter, at this point. Whatever pick we make will be the wrong one.
  9. We don't know what to do with the 1st pick, apparently.
  10. I just watch Red Zone Channel. Keeps me from throwing things at the tv. I still dvr the Panther games, though.
  11. I've reached Hornets-level interest with the Panthers. I want them to do well, but have zero expectations. And the older I get, the less I care. Thank God for fantasy football and the Red Zone channel.
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