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About djp14

  • Birthday 06/09/1965


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  1. I'm not a KC fan, but my stepson is an annoying Patriots/Brady fan. So I enjoy watching him getting so bent out of shape about the Chiefs. Never liked the Bills either (probably my NYJ fan upbringing), so I like watching them play Charlie Brown to KC's Lucy.
  2. The OKC thing is annoying. Our mantra has always been that we can't contend because we're a small market team, and free agents don't want to come to Charlotte. And yet, Oklahoma City can field a competitive team. Just goes to show what can happen if you have smart people running things.
  3. So ... 1 win in the last 17 games. Everyone pretty much checked out for the rest of the season?
  4. I love the thought of Ron at DC. Or anywhere in the Northern Virginia area.
  5. I'm sure the Jets and Browns are kicking themselves harder than we are
  6. Panther fans: We need to keep losing for better draft position. Also Panther fans: We suck at drafting!
  7. I'm glad that Darnold has turned his career around, but lets see what he looks like next year, when he's playing for the Titans or Raiders.
  8. Might not have a team without them. Although that probably applies to the Panthers, too.
  9. There's a reason for that. I remember going to a Jets game at Shea Stadium, in the early 80's. One of my lasting memories of the game was seeing a Bills fan being slammed face first into a brick wall. I doubt that it's gotten any friendlier over the years.
  10. That arena was half-empty ten years ago. Amazing what good ownership and winning can do.
  11. I don't think anybody here wants him. Just predicting that it will happen.
  12. There are plenty of Bills fans currently trying to run off McDermott. All fanbases are pretty much the same.
  13. Darnold turning back into a pumpkin.
  14. Just another kick in the balls for Charlotte sports fans.
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