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Everything posted by 4Corners

  1. That one stadium attendant who was hassling me about sneaking in a couple coronas is the Night King
  2. Brice Young is Tyrion. not because he is cunning and smart but because they both are so small
  3. Just reading the tea leaves but it certainly looks like it’s Canales to lose
  4. Yep that’s true. Most of the outside guys were probably like ok first order of business would be to find a QB
  5. This is what I was complaining about yesterday. Promoting someone from within after the complete garbage of this past season and the awful moves this team has made since 2021 is strange to say the least. doesn’t make a lot of sense
  6. Per PFT. Tepper had a hard on for this guy. idiot.
  7. lol. Washington ain’t going nowhere. He will be starting next season and eating a ton of minutes with Bacot gone. Hubert has done an exceptional job this season.
  8. Wow Thom can take time away from the US Senate?
  9. Hiring Dan Morgan suggests otherwise. To be fair though I don’t think anyone knows wtf they are doing and Morgan has to nail this
  10. I think most billionaires and people worth his type of money probably are sociopaths. When you can basically do whatever TF you want and have your own set of societal rules it would probably change a lot of people.
  11. I mean to put it bluntly this is what a lot of folks probably think. Its just my opinion but I’d bet that the GM must keep Bryce was a part of the hiring process.
  12. People talk poo on the internet. It’s part of the game. Morgan came in to an establishment I worked at 15+ years ago and I waited on him and his party - he was very polite, quiet, and a great tipper. I don’t think he is a bad dude at all I just am a little apprehensive based on what happened this past year.
  13. If they draft a QB at #33 overall - that would be an alpha bossman move from Dan. No doubt about it.
  14. Nobody on the panthers cashing those Tepper paychecks cares about the fans, that’s for sure.
  15. This was a very predictable and uninspiring hire. I don’t see how anyone can be excited by this. It’s not like we plucked him from Philly or SF. He had his input on designing arguably the worst team in history and probably signed off on many of the idiotic and poor roster moves the past year. yes, he deserves a fair shot now that he obviously passed the very vigorous hiring process but prove me wrong.
  16. We will see how quick he is to change his mind on the super processor when the panthers start out 1-4 next year and Young looks terrible.
  17. I don’t know if he is Tepper stooge or not. I’m speculating. Just putting 2x2 together.
  18. Look this predictable, uninspiring hire screams “Tepper is the GM and just hired a yes man he can boss Around”
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