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Everything posted by 4Corners

  1. Time to move on, which will be much easier for us to do than it will be for JC.
  2. Nope. Not doing it. Look it up for yourself. Or don’t. I don’t really care player.
  3. Yeah sanders is a decent player but he got paid and not resigning a running back like foreman who brings the pain was pretty idiotic
  4. I admit when he is talking to people like old wrestlers, and getting some rock and roll stories, and some of the other non political guests it’s pretty interesting stuff. That’s his domain. When he gets out of his lane and starts promoting bogus, idiotic misinformation and conspiracies for clicks ….hard pass. “So the sky is blue, rain is wet, and people are ok with that? They just don’t think about it? Wow, Jamie look that up”
  5. I thought it was pretty stupid to get rid of Foreman.
  6. That Sanders fumble was a killer. Can’t have that. It was a nice looking drive until that. I heard Myers say that was his 10th career fumble. Is that a lot? Seems like a lot.
  7. Did dj Johnson even play? NGL I hated this pick
  8. I am not opening this can of worms my guy. I’ve already been hooked in to arguing with casuals about Joe Rogan and darkness retreats so you can google Rodgers behavior and public comments on stuff the past three years or don’t. maybe we can trade for Michael Carter because he is buried on that depth chart
  9. No doubt. Anyone who goes into a darkness retreat needs to seek professional help.
  10. One thing he said was that ickmule was a really good poster on the huddle
  11. Yes, I am hating on an egotistical, entitled asswipe who lied about something he had zero qualifications to speak on. Maybe a darkness retreat will help his slinky Achilles?
  12. Dr Joe Rogan has issued a statement he is going to personally treat Aaron with a miracle drug that big pharma and the government doesn’t want you to know about
  13. He’s a really good QB. But he played terrible tonight. It happens.
  14. Their d is solid but Allen looked really really bad 3/4 of the game.
  15. Chazz Surratt from Lincolnton and a Tar Heel doing the little things to make big plays. Vikings were dumb to release him.
  16. Every time the show Salah he looks like he is in complete shock and could start crying at any minute. Sports can be brutal.
  17. I used to really like Rodgers, one of my favorite players to watch. But basically since 2020 he has really shown who he is and what he is all about. Different circumstances but very similar career to Brett Farve who was once a beloved Packer and turned out to be a gigantic POS.
  18. David Chao, well known NFL doctor, says it’s a very real possibility. If you watch the replay you know right off the bat something serious happened and his body language is not good. Add in his age… im not a doctor (obviously) but I was thinking a serious ankle sprain or lisfranc but an Achilles is brutal
  19. Rodgers career, character arc is an interesting one. he deliberately lied, misled the NFL and team about a Covid vaccine and deliberately spread misinformation with no scientific or medical facts to back up anything he said. if that Achilles popped I wonder if he is going to consult Dr Rogan on how to make a comeback this year?
  20. 3 plays. Literally 3 plays for your season to end and the months and months of hype leading up to it.
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