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Everything posted by 4Corners

  1. We all want Dan to be the man. But come on. He was the right hand man and BFF of the idiot who just made two of the worst trades in NFL history and probably drafted slightly better than my 8 year old would. I have a suspicion that being upfront about keeping Bryce as the franchise QB was a huge job requirement and most of the other candidates would not commit to that. It’s impossible to defend Tepper at this point. I’ve always been slightly bullish on him because he at least appears to be very competitive and wants to win and will write the checks - but man I just don’t think it’s gonna happen here. Maybe if he will eventually get lucky. A broken clock is still right twice a day?
  2. Big time miss from the Panthers here, but I doubt any of us expected anything different. It is mind boggling that anyone involved with the roster management of the team would be allowed back in the building after last year but here we are. there is a strong possibility that no other candidates worth a poo would touch the team with a 50’ pole.
  3. He is the worst GM in team history. It’s not up for debate. He wrecked the panthers badly. Poor trades, god awful draft picks, signing players like inches Sanders. The team got better once he was fired. It’s amazing to me that the entire scouting department and management associated with ShitFitt and the abomination the panthers have put on the field the past 3 years aren’t all unemployed.
  4. Those are all horrible. How can Tepper keep anyone in management and scouting that assembled these? Pathetic.
  5. The panthers suck, are a dogshit team but man bills fans….like four decades of painful losses.
  6. Flop from Allen. Scheyer has offered him a scholarship.
  7. Diggs does a lot of whining to let that fantastic ball go thru his hands.
  8. These must be the refs from the Pitt/Puke game last night that tried their best to give the blue devils the game
  9. Does an “alpha” and “leader of men” fail at running a pizza parlor?
  10. Wow! is that Jared Goff or Blake Hinson dropping dimes out there?
  11. How do you know he is an alpha? WTF does that even mean? Are you saying he is a gorilla?
  12. What type of fuging idiot owner and team just gives away mcCafferey.
  13. Duke stinks. I’m sure they will rocket up to #1 now after this embarrassing loss.
  14. Yep. Whoever is hiring these incompetent morons is the problem.
  15. Wow Too much arm on that throw CJ. Won’t ever have to worry about that with the super processor.
  16. If Dan Morgan is named the GM - what little hope I’m hanging on to with Tepper is gonna be out the door. Unacceptable.
  17. Again, if Morgan was part of the group that wanted Young and Inches Sanders on this team and contributed to these awful trades the team has made - not only should he be disqualified for the GM he should not be a part of the team.
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