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Everything posted by 4Corners

  1. I was curious why they didn’t try to score a TD. I never like gambling on a kicker.
  2. Josh Allen is such a flopper. Must love watching duke basketball.
  3. The weather was more of a deterrent than the actual on the field product.
  4. I know we got our own QB problems, but Ridder stinks. You aren’t gonna win poo with him at QB.
  5. Wow what a Terrible throw. Ridder looked like BY on that one.
  6. I hope Thomas Brown’s wife was forced to stand out in the rain today
  7. Wet pillows don’t float. Go soak one of your moms pillows and then Try to throw it 10 feet.
  8. He really does have a weak arm. There is no denying this. Even the BY jock sniffers gotta at least admit this is true. How does a team not take this in to account when scouting and analyzing a player. This is a huge part of the QB position. It’s amazing how stupid Tepper is.
  9. To be fair, he was trending towards bust until like half way thru last year. I was one of the haters but he has made a believer out of me. Hope BY can do the same.
  10. Yep. So Tepper smeared him as a “bad interviewer” on his way out and look who is laughing now.
  11. Surprised our super processor didn’t throw that one
  12. Nick Mullins stinks. Still better than Brice.
  13. Zero accountability from Tony and Mahoney he was off sides like a mofo.
  14. Brice Young makes Jeff Browning look like Warren Moon
  15. Hell yeah Teddy. Got a nice big bag from Tepper that you certainly aren’t worth and didn’t earn and ready to retire. Well done.
  16. Right, they should have done what the Rams did - mortgage some of the future and go all in and pick your spots to improve. They were so close.
  17. Gettleman thought it was a good idea to have Byron Bell and Nate Chandler as OTs and a group of WRs that would struggle to play in Canada. Cheap bastard. They should have been making trades and going all in with Cam in those years instead of trying to run a business.
  18. Just run the ball and throw it less than 10 times.
  19. With made up, junk fees and capitalism price gouging that will still be $80.45
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