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Everything posted by thunderraiden

  1. Are you on crack? This is a Top 3 QB class in the last 20 years. Half the QB's in this drafts first round will likely fail, but that's more than likely based on the team and coaching staff that drafts them. There is blatantly obvious Round 1 & 2 talent loaded in this draft at the QB position.
  2. This is another slap in the face with the Bogwater contract canceling out the Bradberry contract. Bradberry should have never left in the first place anyways.
  3. Confirmed and retweeted by Kyle Long. His 2020 season was voided by the Bears meaning he is an Unrestricted Free Agent. Might be good on the cheap with Chris Miller behind him if he can stay healthy.
  4. First of all, the huddle is by and large, idiots, and I have no problem saying I’m an idiot too. With that being said, dude has SOLID reasoning for why he made his decisions and I’m seeing the same things he is seeing. This is a special QB class make no mistake about it. as far as Mond is concerned, he looked great in his multiple TD drives once he calmed down in the Senior Bowl, he definitely needs time on the bench tho, but I think he has a great shot at a pro career if he can get the mental aspect down and reproduce those winning drives on a consistent basis, because it was all him giving Rhules team a chance in the senior bowl.
  5. We have 120 Million available in cap space next year (pending Shaq and Teddy cuts) if the cap stays at 184Million between the two years, thats ignoring the fact stadiums WILL be full this year with the vaccinated.
  6. He's the 11th highest paid player on our roster, cutting him would save us a little over 2Million in cap this year. Objectively, he is half the TE as both the Browns and the Buccaneers THIRD string TE.
  7. Excellent, now only Ian Thomas remains as needing to be cut. Paradis can wait another year. I wouldn’t be mad at Teddy getting cut either just to send a message and tank for Howell.
  8. I honestly would not be upset with Penai Sewell at #8 with a trade up back in the round 1 for Mac Jones/Lance or get Mond in the second/third.
  9. Reports are that Jim Irsay is finally looking at moving on from Andrew Luck this year and wants to draft his replacement (it appears the last two seasons have been a wait and see approach to his retirement). There is a fake/small chance real pic of a convo of Andrew Luck’s wife this week saying Luck was meeting with Jim Irsay, that was followed by another Colts insider that has been right about the Colts on mulitple occasions confirming that Luck and Irsay did meet this week as Luck has the itch to play again but Irsay wants to see how serious he is as the Colts look to finally move on. What does this mean for the Panthers? Well if Luck does indeed come back, thats one less team we have to fight with stealing a QB from us in trade up/stand pat at #8 scenerios.
  10. Our offense clearly uses TE's in passing, this game proves Ian Thomas is hot garbage.
  11. Go to panthers.com right now and every Fitterer article just straight poops on Bridgewater at QB. Hell Darin Gantt spent like 3 interview questions begging Fit for a new QB and you already know what time it is if Matt is throwing shade at a player, well Fitt said word for word what Matt said weeks ago about Teddy needing a “tremendous offseason.” That tells me they had a discussion about how bad Bridgewater was and the PR dude they have told him the same spin they told Rhule. I just don’t see us not having a new QB in 2021 with all the vitriol from the team friendly website.
  12. A vaccine will be available before Nov 2nd but a million americans will die? Like thats not even taking into account all the treatment options that have been developed. And the number of intubations has dropped significantly because they found oxygenating patients way more effective.
  13. Yes. Testing positive again means that they may have anti-bodies to it and not showing symptoms but can spread it. Highly infection disease and we may never escape this.
  14. Taken directly from the linked article about the infant death: "Officials have said that they are still investigating the infant’s cause of death"
  15. Ok, what about this idea. Lets start the official lockdown nationwide starting on Monday for 14 days. During the 14 days we create as many freaking test as possible and mask. At the end of the 14 days everyone born on a lottery picked month or 7-8 days of a month gets tested each day. Should you come back negative, you are allowed to leave your house with a mask, qr code/bracelet and not allowed to visit anyone else without a qr code/bracelet, if you do and are caught you get 1 year in jail. If you test positive, you are quarantined an additional 14 days automatically. As this rolling unlocking takes place we will eradicate the virus by forcing anyone with it to isolate 14 days at a time until symptoms disappear. The reason this virus is unstoppable is asymptomatic carriers and the half-measures the USA is doing is like a blip on the radar for this virus.
  16. Honestly, I don't understand why we don't just lock away anyone high risk. Everyone else can deliver to them at their door step what they need. No economic shut down for a year and millions of poverty related deaths. Make more mask and more test in the interim and try and get a hold of things while the young develop herd immunity. I'm all for taking away this option once I see a healthy 19-39 year olds with no obesity or high risk conditions contract and expire from this disease, but it appears to target smokers, asthma suffers, the morbidly obese, and the elderly. Why do we have to all shut down and starve when we can just move the sick into lockdown?
  17. You can watch the divisional game on your phone over wifi while flying to Cali. go to reddit.com/r/nflstreams during the time of the game and look for either a youtube link or vlc link. 

  18. One of the greatest predictions of all time Igo and here we are 6-0. Also yes, thread necromancy.
  19. Yes, I konw Monsta ain't Patrice O'Niel and that Patrice is dead. Look at time of my post.

  20. Seriously, I can look at WWII and at least understand that it directly related to this moronic armistice the allies forced onto the Germans and that led to all the terrible things in WWII. But the Confederacy was literally just treason for an out of date production method. The cotton gin and a whole host of other inventions were already making slave labor obsolete and the rest of the world was already getting rid of it. The the mental gymnastics by Southerners to justify slavery simply boiled down to "He dumb, Me smart; He pet, Me Master." Meanwhile the richest person in the history of the world at that time and to this day when adjusting for inflation is a black man by a WIDE margin. But yeah, listen to racist today, they use that flag as a rally. South Carolina used that flag as a rally point ONLY FOR de-segregation, and we still have segregation to this day in white neighborhoods. God forbid a black family moves to the suburbs. If it wasn't for all this rampant private segregation (Spurred by scumbag realtors of the time and even to today because I don't put all the blame on white families) in the United States racism would be far less than what it is. Also, we could have some real progress in politics if the GOP just stops pandering to racist white folks. I'm black and I can't even vote conservative because of the actual racist poo the party does even though I believe is Gun Rights(name a black person that doesn't like guns), Pro-life(black girls don't get abortions lol), and a smaller government(racist police, nuff said) like almost every black family does.
  21. Yea taking your team to the super bowl is a huge curse. (Referencing last years "cursed" player that made it to the super bowl)
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