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About thunderraiden

  • Birthday 05/30/1988

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  1. Doesnt matter, its against the panthers, def didn't have possession,
  2. Peyton, Eli, and Cooper Manning would die before they allow Carolina to draft Archie
  3. Trade brian burns and pick stroud would have been best trade in nfl history, instead we managed to make the worst trade.
  4. The problem is that if you ban the bot, most of the post are gonna end up getting posted here anyways.
  5. I wonder if this will be more common as the years progress with the bew playoff rule. One loss week one used to be a deathknell, this is the first year where it could be absolutely inconsequential and futhermore, if they win every other game and have a hard team on resume maybe it helps them get one of the 12 spots where before it would be impossible
  6. He's not hurt at all, he was held out as a precaution, he has been back practicing in full pads.
  7. After Matthews performance today blocking and Catching, there is no reason on this God green Earth that we need to employ Ian Thomas unless we are dead set on carrying 4-TE's at the detriment to the team. Begone!
  8. Pinero looks fine the way he is walking around. Prob not serious.
  9. Trevin has been showing out... JT Sanders has been showing out... Brooks is still hurt but that also has an extremely high chance of showing out considering its the RB position and our RB room is weak.
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