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About thunderraiden

  • Birthday 05/30/1988

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  1. He should honestly switch to Guard atp because thats his ceiling lol.
  2. Dang beat me to it cuz i was wasting time trying to embed lmao. Still wanna see some competition at the other CB spot.
  3. https://www.twitter.com/Schultz_Report/status/1899229874750939571
  4. Welcome Tre'von Moehrig, thats my Greenelaw replacement after souring on Greenlaw with his injury concerns.
  5. This looks like its looking at our current roster which is missing a defense sans Horn and Brown. After the FA and draft lets see what it looks like.
  6. I'm still praying, this sounds like one that wont be official til 4PM Wednesday lol. 2 more pieces on D and this draft might be kinda fun.
  7. 7m ago Michael Dominski· Deputy Managing Editor Chargers release Edwards The Chargers have released running back Gus Edwards. Edwards played 11 games for Los Angeles this past season, recording 365 rushing yards and four touchdowns.
  8. Twitter is down, guess athletic fa tracker is all i got
  9. We saved $5M on the cap with the Jaycee extension per Mike Kaye
  10. Yeah this place is dead whats new? Anywho, my Jaycee extension has now come to fruition. I'm only keeping this alive because honestly want to see how close I can get to what happens. Come on bro you gotta admit its pretty close to spot on so far.
  11. Well we got Corbs and Mayes for $6m, spent more on TE than i hoped but i still hope we go after one more. Ive actually soured on greenlaw, he is just so injured all the time. Put the money for him into a Saf to go with a rookie and get a depth lb to compete with Trevin. Priority needs to be fix D-line first, a lot of other problems can fix themselves.
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