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DC Amp

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About DC Amp

  • Birthday December 4

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  1. Jack get warmed up! Next man up league!
  2. I believe Jack would've at least made the game fun to watch if he played like he did in the last preseason game.
  3. Simple answer, YES! He was chose #1 for a reason. are you guys smarter than the scouts? Give the young man a chance to mature. The End.
  4. Like one poster said Exmark is a very good mower, however, my local home depot didn't have any so I went with a Cub Cadet, ztm, (Cub Cadet Ultima Zero Turn Mower ZT1 42) with a B&S engine, 22hp I think. I would've preferred the kawasaki motor for all the hipe customers report. It does work well with the Briggy tho
  5. A quitter perhaps? Spoiled, ie didn't get my way? Just know this, I saw this same thing with Chris Weinke 1-15, met with Steve Smith he labeled me a "true fan", that is equivalent to me saying "he's going to become a star". Duh..At that time he was still on special teams. I will never give up or turn my back on MY Panthers!
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