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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. Who said that South Carolina fans aren't loyal? And yes I have been to plenty of bobcat games including the playoff games. Lighten up Francis!!!
  2. I liked both those players. Just goes to show you why I am not a scout..............
  3. I still like to win the home ones. It still pisses me off when Pittsburgh fans who migrate from the trailer parks in South Carolina come to the game because it the only time they will see their team live and yell and make an ass of themselves if they win because their 4th string is better than ours at the end of the game. I don't like their fans anyway, butt this puts them over the top.
  4. The average salary in the CFL is 100,000. Their total team cap is like 4 million. So the NFL minimum is higher than the salaries for all but a few star players in the CFL.
  5. Schein was on the Panthers wagon in 2008 and since then has disliked us. he picked us to go 4th in the division last year but said we tied three other teams instead of finished second. He was factually correct but wrong in his prediction then and will be wrong in his prediction now. We will finish second based on a strong defense and good offense.
  6. Happy birthday to you as well. THe only thing that sucks with a birthday so close to christmas is you get less gifts. LOL.

  7. I hear you on Yates. As a later rounder I think you would give him consideration but unless he is better than Clausen at this point, you are looking at replacing Pike. If we don't carry 3 on the active roster that puts him on the practice squad. I figure someone would ****** him up at that point making the draft pick somewhat of a waste. And if he were on the active roster you want a guy who could come in and play if needed. I just don't have faith that he would be not struggle mightily. If I were picking a guy to replace Pike I might also look at Tyrod as an option. I think Dalton may even go in the first..

  8. Thanks for the rep. Yeah I have been a scoutmaster for the past 15 years, I have a 10 year old moving up so I am likely a "lifer". The good news about scouting is that we are celebrating our 100 year anniversary. I hope we will be around for another 100 years.

  9. Utley is definitely the man. I hope Lee can hold up for a few more innings.

  10. As long as Lee can keep it up maybe the 2 runs from Utley will hold up. Chase is smacking the hell out of it.

  11. Yeah. Sabathia versus Lee. Game starts in 5 mins.

  12. If you get blocked it is because you have to spread it around. You can't rep the same person twice until you have repped 10 other folks and there is a daily limit of 6 or 7 reps. So you need to give it away more frequently which usually results in getting more back. People with higher rep give you more rep as well.

  13. You deserved it.

  14. Thanks a bunch. With my birthday on the 23rd and my anniversary on the 31st, it is always a big week!!

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