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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. You keep trying to make everyone wrong because they didn't value steichen instead of looking at the elephant in the room which is that things have to be a good fit and they weren't. Eventually we will find out more about what happened. Until then it is clear that he wasn't our guy and may or may not be ready to be a head coach. But until then, feel free to continue with your baseless comments and speculation based on your agenda.
  2. A coordinator who is interviewing for the first time would be very unwise to be uninterested or negative about any job. There aren't that many and owners talk.
  3. No he didn't make the cut. He may be a great coordinator but not HC material. Not at this point. Not here. Happens all the time.
  4. We looked at him and plenty others. For whatever reason he didn't make the second round. Get over it and move on. Most of us fans aren't going to get our choice either.
  5. Look Rivera was known as Riverboat Ron because he was so aggressive. He wasn't conservative. So stop with the huge difference. There isn't one. But that experience thing is the most important thing. We need a proven guy who can assemble a premier staff and hit the ground running. Not someone who is doing everything for the first rime.
  6. This would be true if success were determined by probability and the few who proceeded him. But Wilkes is his own story and in many eyes has shown more than enough to be coach. That isn't a singular feeling but a common feeling. But Tepper is going to have his way and doesn't seem to care what fans or players think. So he gets what he deserves. Unfortunately we fans and PSL owners don't deserve what we have gotten so far.
  7. For me we already did the lets take a risk with Rhule and maybe want more of a sure thing. And honestly both Rivera and Fox were coordinators with no head coaching experience when we hired them. So hiring an offensive coordinator with no head coaching experience changes the side of the ball but is more of the same old thing that we keep doing over and over. What would be novel at least since Siefert would be hiring a guy with actual head coach experience. That would be trying something new not same old which is one more head coach who.learns on the job at our expense.
  8. What is funny is that here is an article suggesting that Fitterer is a real positive to the hiring process as he is well respected around the league and can work with anyone Tepper brings the money so salaries are no issue and unlike some teams we can sign whoever we can manipulate the salary cap. https://journalnow.com/former-nfl-gm-says-scott-fitterer-allows-panthers-to-cast-wide-net-in-coaching-search/article_102d7518-95e7-11ed-bbb3-eb994cc9d025.html
  9. You have to throw and run the ball. In today's game it is harder to develop an effective run game than it is a pass game given the rules favor offense and passing the ball. If Buffalo would have had half our running game to rely on when their passing game struggled, they would still be playing this week. In the snow and cold you have to be able to run the ball. And when they load the box you have to be able to pass. Which we actually did pretty well once Darnold got in and got comfortable with the offense which averaged right at 24 points a game which was in the upper half of the league in those last 6 games.
  10. If Fitterer finds us a QB we will be a playoff team. I think he has done a decent job in free agency and really good in the draft. Sure he hasn't picked who I wanted a lot but the roster since he got here is improved. Sure he wheels and deals all the time with his draft picks but he certainly shouldn't be fired. Even though I hated to trade CMC given an offensive minded head coach might have known how to use him.
  11. And then sometimes you do take a risk with a guy like Rhule and the next time go for more of a sure thing. Of course if he goes with Moore he is taking a huge risk again.
  12. I don't think anyone knows if Tepper is doing a good job or not in interviewing but he is taking a more deliberate approach and apparently involving more people. But to assume he is screwing up because he didn't pick your favorite is way over the top. And FWIW Moore is not my first or second choice. But given I have no clue into the process, I am not throwing stone like many of you are with no more understanding than I have.
  13. You think I can't make a list 3 times as long with coordinators and other folks with no head coach experience who flamed out. Get serious......
  14. But guys like steichen have no success at the job they are interviewing for. It is all speculation on how they will do in a new job based on how they did their present job. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of overlap so how you did as a coordinator has little bearing in how you will be as a head coach. So your post holds no water....
  15. This was all put in place for the guys who are in the playoffs who miss out on jobs because they have to wait to interview. It is supposed to help them not hurt them.
  16. Huge assumption if you weren't in the interviews and heard what was being said. We have done a great job interviewing everyone and now are in the second round. Unlike the last time with Rhule it seems like we are doing a good job being thorough.
  17. Huge assumptions there. More likely is that with him being an OC for a team in the playoffs and having no experience interviewing as a head coach, he likely wasn't as prepared as others candidates who have done this before. Some potential head coaches have books, charts and elaborate presentations based on doing the job and interviewing previously. Steichen will have little of that prepared this time around. If he doesn't go anywhere this time he will in the future for sure.
  18. Many coordinators who interview their first time struggle because the difference in the job and responsibilities is large. He may go elsewhere and certainly these interviews should prepare him for the future. We just want more of a proven entity.
  19. You don't know a new head coach will grow and improve. If you look at history there are a lot more guys who have never been head coaches before who flamed out in their first head coaching job. That includes the GOAT- Belichick. No the chances for success with a brand new hire with no HC experience is worse than a known entity. So again your philosophy is likely to give up another loser like Rhule versus a proven winner. I will take Reich or Wilkes. And I heard Steichen didn't interview well. He is likely in over his head
  20. I have waited a long time for a winning season. I want to win now not 5 years down the road. We were promised that with Rhule and we see how that turns out. No Wilkes will give us a winning season next year given how well he did with cast-offs and half a staff.
  21. You don't have enough to know what he will do. Each place you go is different. What we do know is he can get the most out of his players. That is what a head coach does. Everyone is so enamored for an offensive minded coordinator with no head coach experience, they forget it often takes years to turn things around while they learn on the job. And they won't be the coordinator so all their experience isn't useful unless they call their own plays which is a recipe for disaster.
  22. This whole idea that we will be mediocre under Wilkes was manufactured by the huddle and now accepted as fact. Wilkes was conservative but was that by design or necessity? Did we run because it was our strength or because our qbs sucked throwing it and our line struggled in pass blocking early? What would he do if he had a great OC and a staff he picked. If he could build a team his way what would it be,? If he turned Rhules misfits into a competent team with half a staff, key injuries defensively, and a revolving door of quarterbacks and still go 6-6, I would let you have 2 years to complete the turnaround. Even a new coach would need a year or two to turn things around and would want a 5 year contract. It isn't mediocre it is the best route to a winning season next year.
  23. Was thinking that Buffalo should have been pounding the rock and didn't.
  24. Given I was an Eagles fan until I became a diehard Panther fan, I hope they go all the way. They are the best team in the NFC this year.
  25. I like the black and mint but am fine with blue and white considering our stadium is blue and it matches everything with soccer and the Panthers. Don't like the purple and pink.
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