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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. I am not convinced that Chicago loves Fields so much as they want the extra draft picks and don't see Young or Stroud as so much better than Fields. So keeping Fields and getting the picks is a much better value than trading him away and keeping the number 1 pick.
  2. He is one of the reasons they are picking first in the draft. Just saying.....
  3. This is a decent article on the possibility. I did hear that the Bears might keep fields because the pick was more valuable but what if they don't get the compensation they want?? https://bearswire.usatoday.com/lists/bears-justin-fields-trade-what-it-could-look-like/
  4. Should be an interesting offseason for sure and given Reich is new I have no idea what he is thinking.
  5. Corral has more experience than Young or Corral, and the price to move up makes him a better value. Who says Reich relies on a rookie not named Luck. It will actually be between Corral, a rookie and a vet. Who stakes their future on two guys who have never taken a regular season snap in the NFL.
  6. But is he convinced that Young or Srroud are so amazing he can't find similar ability at 9 and save all thise picks. You can pick up Fields for a wnd or third I read.
  7. Not necessarily. How did Lawrence do his rookie year?? Assuming anyone out the gate will immediately shine is not reality for most all. So we pick Stroud and he is middling. Then what. And I don't think Young or Stroud will be franchise changing. IMHO.
  8. This isn't poker where you can go all in by bluffing, you need to give up a ton of picks for a maybe. Convince me that Stroud or Young are so great that we need to give up multiple 1s when we have Corral in the wings. I would give him a try and if he sucks we will have a high pick next year so getting our guy won't cost us an arm and leg. Or move up slightly for Levis or Richardson and don't mortgage the farm.
  9. Maybe Rhule had something to do with that. Doesn't mean Reich can't do better.
  10. Like most very successful NFL quarterbacks they play too long and rarely leave on top. He had several times to retire after winning a Superbowl but always wanted more. Now he goes out after a decent but not great year and lost his family in the process. Don't feel sorry for him at all.
  11. Let's see what happens. So far he is 0-0 for the Panthers. And Cam was injured from 2016 on so he didn't have great QB play his whole time coaching.
  12. I am excited for the hire and think he will be very good. Better than in Indy I hope. 40-33 is pretty average so I am not sure we should be touting that as so great. Rivera went 76-67-1 in 9 seasons and everyone thinks he was average or worse.. Again I think Reich will be good.
  13. Yeah that comes from inconsistent fundamentals.
  14. Just because you still have your first next year doesn't mean you have to get another quarterback with it but the point is you could if for whatever reason you felt Richardson wasn't the one or like Gruden, Reich starts collecting quarterbacks. Everything I see suggests that Richardson has the athleticism and arm of a great qb. But Reich said his players had to have good fundamentals and accelerated vision. I heard he maybe be erratic in his fundamentals and his decision making was suspect.
  15. Right now iis the best time to be excited and optimistic. Even if we have heard most of this before by other coaches at times, we know things are looking up and Wilks showed our roster was better than it performed the last few years. Besides there will be plenty of time for criticisms in the Fall if we struggle. But Reich is a good coach who is a Charlotte transplant who think coaching us is a dream come true. If this works out we could have him for a long time and bring some real stability to the HC position. How can you not be excited about that possibility.
  16. Given that most rookie qbs struggle including supposed sure fire guys like Lawrence, there is no need to find a rookie qb who has to start day 1. So the question is whether it is better value to try and develop a guy like Richardson over a season or two who could play as well as a guy like Stroud who looks more NFL ready and might play sooner.play right now. Is the better value picking a Richardson who might be there at nine versus mortgaging the bank for Stroud by moving up to one or two. If you are not convinced you have to have Stroud you could jump in with Richardson and still have your first next year in case that crop looks better than this one. You can't go all in just because you are tired of not having a franchise guy.
  17. The fact that Philly can run and pass plus has a nasty defense is why they are going to win. If you can stop the chiefs running game and limit yards after the catch, you can stop Mahomes especially on a gimpy leg.
  18. Exactly. If you have a good system and roster you don't need your quarterback to carry the team. That might be more important than who you pick.
  19. Truth is that there are lots of quarterbacks who can be developed who aren't high picks. We have seen a number of guys who were forced into action like Purdy for SF. To the point that spending a ton on any college player has to be weighed against finding someone you can develop with similar athletic tools.
  20. At what draft pick? 1, 5 or stay at 9. And at what price? This year's 1 and next year's 1 to move up or the ridiculous talk about 3 1s and maybe more. How did that work for SF with Lance. I would rather give up a 2nd for Fields and give him a proper offense that mortgage a bunch of 1sts for Stroud.
  21. Reich has big shoes to fill. Our best offense ever was 2015 with Cam and Shula. We averaged 31 points a game. Best combo we have had.
  22. Seriously why bitch about Tepper spending his money. You can fit anyone under the salary cap you want. We can pay Burns and do what we want. You act as if the money is coning out of your pockets. We got folks whose job is figuring this out. Couch GMs, you gotta love em.
  23. Full control seems to be an issue. Money is no issue and it never got to the point of actual compensation. Just a rumor of what it would take which was a 1 and something else.
  24. Plenty of time to see what happens. I don't see us giving away a ton of picks until close to the draft. Truth is if we weren't willing to give up many picks for Payton and he would have a profound effect on the team, I wonder how much we would give up to get to 1. I am looking forward to free agency and to see where Corral is in his rehab.
  25. It the best stat to compare qbs given it takes into account numerous things. And he only does what the OC calls. He can't help we ran like crazy against Detroit. He was a game manager and did what he could to win.
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