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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. This thread is hilarious….this team is far from playoff potential.
  2. Can y’all stop taking playoffs now ? This team is $hit no matter the QB.
  3. Haven’t waited at all. I’ve been telling y’all that for years. He wasn’t clutch last year and hasn’t been since 2015.
  4. Why did he throw it to guy that wasn’t past the marker. ? Question could go both ways.
  5. I’ve said it for years, he is no longer clutch. The Superman days are long gone. He’s better than what we had, but he no longer can control a game.
  6. I didn’t say a thing, but I was convinced people were getting their hopes up for no reason. This is an 8 or 9 win team no matter the QB.
  7. Unpopular opinion, but Rhule should throw PJ in far a series or 2.
  8. Played a terrible QB last week, that was the only difference.
  9. Doesn’t matter who the QB is, this is an 8 win team.
  10. Wasn’t confident in that happening before this game.
  11. This defense ain’t quite as good as some of y’all think.
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