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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Some people can’t see the forest for the trees, others see it for what it was. Cam, at one time was a force, that day was over 3 seasons ago.
  2. Lol. Dude I have more common sense in my left thumb than you do in your entire being.
  3. Did he actually play ? All I saw was less than actually playing. He looked awful.
  4. Cam will be sitting at home next season. His skills have diminished so far he’s not even a good backup.
  5. This is the game that saves Rhule. We all knew it was going to happen.
  6. 100% Agree and I’m at the point that I don’t care if he moves them. He will never field a successful team and I’m not interested in the product that he has given us. Keeping Rhule is just prolonging the inevitable. It’s apparent Tepper has zero ability to read the pulse of that around him.
  7. They are extremely good. Get you some.
  8. My menu, get in the car and go have a good day doing something fun..
  9. Tepper was sold hook line and sinker by Rhule and he’s still unable to spit out the hook even after these last 2 years of ineptitude. I didn’t like the idea of Tepper as owner from the very mention of it being a possibility and he has done note one thing to make me feel he should have been the choice. I’d say the stands will be as empty as we’ve ever seen them next season.
  10. Who cares what the media thinks ? They get to spew their stupid thoughts and feelings at us all the time. I don’t care for Jay , but he’s entitled to his opinion.
  11. I’m holding out hope all of this info is bullshit and Rhule is gone tomorrow. If Rhule is still employed Monday night I’m checking out on giving one ounce of care to this clown show.
  12. No one cares. Until Rhule is gone it’s pointless. Tepper is a fuggin moron.
  13. I actually think the Panthers are the biggest dumpster fire in the NFL.
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