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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. If he was a decent human being that cared about the fan base he would be front and center right now. He’s obviously a sweaty, sloppy looking rich asshole.
  2. I’ve not liked his ownership since day one and he’s done zero to change my mind.
  3. Here it is: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah…..we sold this bullshit hook line and sinker to Tepper.
  4. If Rhule is still the coach I'm not interested.
  5. Cam was awesome for a few years, but those years are in the rear view mirror. He is not even backup quality at this moment.
  6. No idea why anyone thinks Cam is the answer at QB. He's not even a good backup at this point.
  7. Why, so the losers will look good in their uniforms ? I think they should place the poo emoji on the helmets and make the jerseys and pants the color of a good bowel movement. That is more fitting.
  8. I never thought that Tepper would be worse than Dan Snyder, but here we are.
  9. If Rhule is here at the end of today I just might check out until he is gone. This is really just a circus now and worse than I ever thought possible.
  10. As if we didn't already know, Rhule is an idiot.
  11. F150 fans...... what a slanted, narrow view of people that don't think Cam is no longer a good player. Anyone that was paying attention to his play, and not clinging to the memory of his glory days, can see he is no longer a force on the field.
  12. Watson would be foolish to come here. This franchise is at and all-time low and giving away the farm to get him will set this team back a decade.
  13. I was already starting to care less and then Tepper was announced as owner. I held out a little hope, but Rhule $hit all over that hope last season and iced up the cake this season. Now it’s just hilarious watching the clown show.
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