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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. No one rich is ever held accountable any longer. It’s a damn joke.
  2. Can Rhule please resign now ?
  3. Might as well try another retread for year 3 of the:
  4. I'm happy we lost out on that lottery.... it was too pricey to say the least. I'm not ready to remove the clown outfit from Tepper yet, but he made the right choice this time.
  5. No idea who I want that we could actually get at this point, but Cam is not a full time starter in this league any longer. It is best to move on from him at this point unless he is used sparingly.
  6. No....Cam is done and a shadow of his once dominate self. Can we please move on?
  7. This could not have ended any better than it did for the Panthers. I will also take back anything I said about it being embarrassing for the franchise. That clown is not worth 47 mil per season and the Browns will learn that rather quickly. Tepper is still a clown btw and Rhule sucks.
  8. Or the Benny Hill theme song. Either are fitting.
  9. Can’t blame you, I gave away most of my Panther gear and what I kept I have been ashamed to wear the last 2 years. This franchise is at an all time low right now.
  10. He obviously doesn’t have an answer to any of it. He has managed to suck the life out of many a diehard fan, from ripping up a natural playing field to hiring Rhule to chasing a sexual predator. Let’s face it, Tepper is a hypocrite, he removed JR’s statue over the Allegations and turns right around and chases a guy that has 22 women accuse him of god knows what. The dude is a fool that can’t get out of his own way.
  11. Lowest point in franchise history and it’s not even close. Back in the mid 90’s Snyder ruined my fandom for the Skins and now Tepper is doing it for me and the Panthers. I will sit out next season and hope he makes positive change…,if not, I’m done for good.
  12. I’m out until Tepper fires this clown. I will drop in on the forum from time to time during the season but I’m done watching until changes are made. Tepper has transformed this franchise into the laughing stock of the NFL.
  13. We are. I have never disliked an owner of a team more than Tepper and that includes Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyder. The guy is a greasy egomaniac. It’s likely best we didn’t land Mr Handjob but Tepper just made himself look like a drooling teenager chasing his first piece of ass only to get face palmed.
  14. No he’s not, he’s a billionaire clown out of his element.
  15. Lol at Tepper. The dude slurped DW’s penis for damn near 2 years and gets nothing but palm from the dude now. This franchise is a fugging joke and embarrassing.
  16. Both teams let a seriously demented QB wreck their current QB situation.
  17. Oh he won’t….he is a clown and nothing more. At some point you’ve got to act like “Mr. Brass Balls” and stop being clueless.
  18. You know….the truth is none of us should be surprised by any of this. The guy is really just a mixed up individual. First he demands to be traded from the Texans, then 22 women come out and accuse him, now he can’t decide where TF he wants to play football. This dude is a head case like we have never seen before. I really hope we don’t end up with him.
  19. I know I don’t. Tepper is a huge pussy if he doesn’t either pull the offer or place a deadline that falls before Monday. I actually hope the Texans have to keep DW and he sits another year. Fug all of them.
  20. Yeah, fug him. I will never care for him now regardless of where he ends up. He’s nothing more than a demented diva.
  21. Yep. I’m about done giving a $hit. I hope Tepper retracts his offer. That would make me feel a little better about him.
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