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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. This is a 5 win team. Nothing more. This was a feel good game, don’t get used to it.
  2. Why would one watch? It is beautiful outside. Go enjoy yourself.
  3. Let’s see just how long he stays healthy. My bet is he will miss 6 games or more for the Niners.
  4. So the poor decisions under Teppers ownership continue. Dude hasn’t learned a thing.
  5. Thanks for the laugh. I had a long day and needed it.
  6. Crazy as it seems, I think we have 3 Jimmy Clausens at QB right now.
  7. Didn’t hear or read what Stew said but I agree with it. Lol. Stew was a great teammate and player.
  8. How would we know with such ass for talent on the sidelines? This team lacks NFL level talent across the board outside of 5 or so players. Rhule set this team back a decade.
  9. That or stop watching the NFL all together
  10. He won’t. He has no idea what he’s doing and lacks people skills. He just thought it would make him cool to own an NFL franchise. It didn’t work.
  11. Outside of Snyder, Tepper is by far the worst owner in the NFL. I think many people will check out on this franchise soon if they haven’t already.
  12. You’ll have to fire the owner too if you expect anything to improve.
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