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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Those that wanted McDerp as HC. LOL. Same $hit different team.
  2. Buffalo looks like they are playing flat to me. Like another poster said earlier, They look like a dome team out there in the snow.
  3. Buffalo’s MO Is to choke in the payoffs. Has been since McDerp has been there. I was rooting for them, but it feels like old times rooting for the Panthers. Choke artists.
  4. The NFL is not what it used to be. The games pretty much have sucked across the board.
  5. So far it doesn’t look so good. Bills defense is weak.
  6. I’m not sure it is better than I think. We end up with one of these shiny coordinators at HC and win 5 games next season what would that mean ? Often the best choice for HC is not in plain sight. Eagles fans were not happy about their current HC at first and look how that turned out. They possibly also have a much better GM than the Panthers and that is just as big a piece of the puzzle. I always say folks need to be carful what they wish for…..
  7. I’m so glad so many of your aren’t involved with player and coach searches. The shiny object is normally never the answer.
  8. Without a stacked team every coach looks mediocre. That’s what worries me with any coach hired. This team has holes everywhere.
  9. Just because he’s a good OC Is zero indication he will make a good HC. Let’s pump the breaks.
  10. I’m tired of the Chiefs so for me it’s anyone but them.
  11. It’s almost impossible to recreate the magic for any coach, whether it’s with the same team or not. I don’t expect SP will do it regardless of where he ends up.
  12. I have a feeling that whomever is hired many are going to de disappointed.
  13. Can’t answer the question until it happens and I see how I feel. Sadly, I think I would give it a chance. I mean, I was never a fan of lots of players and coaches until they were on the team I rooted for.
  14. It’s the best choice at this juncture.
  15. Most people don’t, that’s sad. Most are just diarrhea of the mouth.
  16. He knows it doesn’t, he just doesn’t want to say it. We all know it, some will admit it and others won’t.
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