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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. He is 1000% a bust, but this dumb ass franchise will stick to this ground hog day for 2 years before abandoning ship.
  2. I think we already know not to watch 2024 regardless.
  3. I tried to tell yall this week one.
  4. Wilks deserved a shot. No way we would be 1-9 if Tepper had just left poo alone.
  5. Been a fan since inception and I can’t recall a worse time. Seems there are very few that actually care now. Tepper was the wrong buyer for sure.
  6. Yes, he’s a bust. Some people just can t admit the reality of it.
  7. Tepper is just another narcissistic asshole.
  8. It’s so obvious that Bryce ain’t it that Ray Charles could have seen it. It’s time to move on but the Teppers and gonna Tepper.
  9. Watched the 1st qtr, fell asleep during the 2nd and left the house at the half. The Super Bowl loss and the subsequent Tepper ownership have ruined my love for this franchise. I actually find this $hitshow hilarious. It’s one mistake after another with no successful moves in between.
  10. Watch all the footage. Maybe you can find him. lol.
  11. That’s why I really want to see what Dalton can do with it.
  12. Jake was an underdog, that made it so much fun. cam jake steve the rest don’t even matter to me.
  13. It’s basically a home game for them.
  14. It was on topic the subject was if Tepper was smart, which it’s obvious he’s not. I’m also not complying to anyone……Take off your blindfold. Thanks for your post Nicole.
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