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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Sucks for sure. I hate to say it, but one and done really looks like a reality.
  2. Just wait until they play a real QB.......remember what Breez and Manning did? Some will say this game was a turn around, I'm not buying it. The defense is still ass
  3. Plays like the last 2 are why no one takes this team very seriously.
  4. I came to that conclusion about 4 weeks ago. Our defense has sucked for over a month now and now the offense sucks.
  5. 1 and done in the playoffs. This team will get killed playing like this.
  6. That's all he has. Dude should not be starting. Rivera being slow to make changes will be what ruins this season. This team with some of the current starters will not win in the playoffs.
  7. Sure do. Peaked about 5 weeks ago and now look like ass. Home field may not mean a thing for the playoffs as we are going in cold.
  8. We will get to hear Rivera say "give credit to them, they did some nice things" when he should be blaming a half ass effort by his team and nothing else.
  9. Others have said it all day.....the offense gets a lot of its energy from Cam and today he was flat like he was back when we were losing. He also looked detached after the first drive. Honestly he is the most important piece of this team and if he can't come out and lead a victory against a crappy team he doesn't deserve to be MVP. If this was the Cardinals we barley lost to I wouldn't be as bothered, but the Falcons gave us every opportunity to win and we couldn't get it done.
  10. But, but, but he is the MVP and GOAT. He is better and getting better, but today against the $hitty Falcons he looked like he didn't care. That's not MVP material.
  11. Sure are, but you can't tell some people that. This is a very bad sign with the way they are playing on defense.
  12. Just wait until the playoffs. Those teams will exploit the hell out of them.
  13. Clowns. Thanks for getting all our hopes up just to watch you pull a typical panther letdown. We can all see this train wreck coming.
  14. You have to admit both those teams are playing better then the panthers right now.
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