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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. Not true. Locally my wife and I know 7 people that are currently infected, all 7 were double poked. 2, a couple were hospitalized, the husband passed away last Monday, he was 51 and fit. I know zero unvaccinated people at the moment that are infected with the virus. A 42 year old woman is also one of the 7 that is also in the hospital, in icu, has been for almost 2 weeks. That’s damn near 50% of the 7 people. The media and CDC are lying to us about how ineffective this vaccine is because if the truth comes out people that have been vaccinated will freak out and those that are unvaccinated will most certainly not even consider taking it.
  2. Effective ? Have you not been paying attention this past week? They are now admitting the vaccinated getting infected as much as the unvaccinated. It is not a vaccine if it doesn’t prevent a disease, it’s just a shot, like the flu shot. It may or may not work.
  3. I agree. I think it’s just people are envious of teams like that, they juat win year after year.
  4. Good stuff. Funny how people rag on one of, if not the most loyal fan bases in football. Something Charlotte doesn’t have.
  5. Rodgers will do the same. Maybe not the ring, but he’ll play for another team next season.
  6. So, you blame the parents ? I’m not being a smart ass, it’s a serious question.
  7. Ummm….I really don’t care about the Patriots. Just sayin.
  8. Cart before horse. No one has seen anything that matters from this team on the field yet.
  9. How about we just say they both sucked. There I fixed it.
  10. Why are we still wasting time talking about a QB that is no longer with the Panthers? Asking for a friend.
  11. This blows dead bears. So far Tepper has shown me little to impress me. But I’m sure he cares. Lol.
  12. Funny, all of you saying no would be all over the Watson train if he was signed here....let’s be honest.
  13. Just maybe there is some truth to what he said. I mean let’s not waste time defending a staff that has yet to prove itself. They did choose Teddy and that proved to be a terrible move.
  14. It’s highly likely he won’t be the starter by week 9
  15. Only time will tell if these are good or bad changes.
  16. He’s haunted by ghosts now. I hate to say it, but he won’t overcome that. I’m starting to think this staff has no idea what a good QB is. As much as I feel Cam is done this team would have won the same amount of games with Cam as they did with Teddy.
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