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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. I said in another thread, he’s a preacher, not a coach. That won’t work in the NFL.
  2. But Brady and Rhule, who are “experts”, saw something differently. Lol. I trust both of them about as much as I do a sick fart.
  3. We also know our owner makes poor hiring decisions. Facts suck.
  4. Rhule is not the answer at HC. I didn’t care for the hire from day one and he has done nothing to make me feel differently.
  5. CMC’s best days are behind him. Sucks, but true. It’s time to trade him while he has some value.
  6. He’s a preacher, not a coach. The ugly head is rearing itself.
  7. That’s because we are also mediocre and have been 90% of our existence.
  8. Sam had a bad game last week too. Dallas laid back once they got up on us, other wise it would have been a blowout.
  9. There’s the real Sam Darnold boys and girls. Y’all trust Rhule & Brady’s decisions on QB’s still. ?? 2 years in a row they bring in terrible QB’s and claim they believe they can resurrect them. What a joke.
  10. Sam seeing ghosts again. Just as we thought he would.
  11. Doesn’t seem to matter who the owner is, the results are the same. Rhule is not the right choice.
  12. Until they get a real QB you can expect this same level. Darnold is not the answer.
  13. Yeah, I said I might have been wrong about Rhule, but I was wrong….he does suck.
  14. Nothing changes for this franchise. SOS since 1995.
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