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Everything posted by ickmule

  1. This. ^^^ i have noticed more and more people that just don’t care any longer. Not just Panther fans.
  2. I’m hoping for an embarrassing loss today. Until Tepper openly admits he is the problem I can’t pull for this team to win.
  3. Don’t hit them with the truth. They don’t like it.
  4. Tepper is a terrible owner. The next HC will be 2nd or 3rd tier.
  5. Tepper is a clown of the highest level. He had no clue whatsoever about how to go about things. He’s impatient and a hot head. He’s fired 3 NFL coaches and 2 Charlotte FC coaches due to his unrealistic views. I for one, will never root for the guy until he openly admits he’s the problem.
  6. This is some Karma mushroom stamping Tepper straight on the forehead.
  7. No surprise. This is a dysfunctional organization since Tepper came along. Top to bottom a $hit show.
  8. Ummm…..this pretty much solidifies that Bryce is a bigger issue than some want to believe.
  9. Just like last year, these talking heads no nothing. We won’t get Johnson or Harbaugh.
  10. This franchise in modeling the Washington franchise under Snyder. Always looking for the shiny penny that ends up tarnishing quickly
  11. Please no. Train wreck waiting to happen.
  12. Oh my. Wtf is this ? Looks like a kid dressed up for Halloween.
  13. You think the players feel any different than the fans ? They know this franchise is crap too. We have all worked for a crappy company and we realized it. These players are no different.
  14. Man, this $hit is getting old. many of you are going to be disappointed while Others spin the next crappy hire as a great hire just like you did the Reich hire. This place is insufferable
  15. I have said all along he is boring and lacks real leadership skills.
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